🤍Chapter 75🤍

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*Longest chapter I've ever written so you're in for a treat 💕

December 24th - Mexico

Three days ago, Shawn had wrapped up the whole world tour in Mexico and it honestly feels surreal. I don't know how but the tour has just ended so quickly, too quickly. Obviously, he was really upset and so was I but hey that's life. Yesterday, felt really weird because it was two days before Christmas already but we don't have anything else to do apart from enjoy our stay here in Mexico. Well I mean there is a bigger reason why we haven't gone home though....

December 21st - Palacio de los deportes
"Now before I go, I really wanna say thank you to all of my fans who have bought tickets to my tour and without you guys I wouldn't be able to live my dream. I-I promised myself I wouldn't get emotional but I will really miss this, love you guys" Shawn states clearly getting sad

In My Blood plays....

Fuck now I'm gonna cry

While he wraps up the song I stand closer to the steps so that I'm the first face he sees when getting off of stage.

I can tell this has really hit him hard...

All of a sudden I feel a large figure wrap their arms around me therefore snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Aw baby don't cry, cuz then I'll cry" I say, he lets go and wipes his tears
"Yh I won't" He sniffles and I smile
"I'll cry when we get back to the hotel" He continues
and my smile drops
"Let's just go" Shawn says holding out his hand and I grab it as we walk to our dressing room to pick up leftover items.

At the hotel...
Shawn was awfully quiet during the cab journey but it's understandable. His goodbye waves to everyone weren't enthusiastic but I tried to give off good vibes so that the crew didn't feel too upset.

So now it's back to us again

Just the two of us...

"Come on lets get in the elevator" I grin and he nods,still insisting on holding my hand while we wait for the doors to open. Luckily no one else was in there.
"Fuck" He sighs running his free hand through his hair
"I-" Shawn tries to say but he starts crying
"Before you say anything, just know that I love you and I know you need way more care than me but can we cud-" He mumbles
"Cuddle? Of course" I giggle as the door opens to our floor. We walk down the hallway at quite a slow pace but that's ok sometimes you have to enjoy the silence especially when you're feeling low.

I think when your partner's sad it hits you the hardest because you obviously don't want to see them down in the dumps. Especially when you guys are really close and sometimes you feel like it's your fault for not being able to cheer them up but honestly all they may need is your presence, your warmth and your touch to make them more stable internally then you can see with your own two eyes. Words are important but like I said before silence can be more impactful.

A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other

As soon as I unlock the room door Shawn takes off his shirt and jeans so I go to the bathroom to pee and get changed. My pjs aren't even pjs they're just very oversized t shirts and no underwear because at this point your vagina needs to breathe plus Shawn doesn't give a shit.(A/N: you shouldn't wear underwear to bed unless you don't have anything else to cover up with, especially when it's hot) I put my hair up,wash my face and leave the bathroom to see Shawn wrapped up in the covers so I get in the covers too. He just stares at me for a few seconds before I open up my arms to him. Shawn places his head on the top of my boobs while I play with his hair, tugging his curls slightly in the process.
"I'm sorry Y/N" He mumbles
"For what?" I ask
"For being a mess tonight" He says, his voice croaking a bit
"It's ok, it wouldn't have made sense if you weren't upset today to be honest" I whisper
"True" He yawns
"Fuck, don't stop doing that with my hair" He groans
"Gladly" I smile
Back to present day - the 24th

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