Chapter 71

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*Long chapterrrr

August 8th

I wake up finally feeling that same warmth I had been missing, deprived of and craving....

Her touch, her warmth, her soft skin and not to mention the feeling of her pregnancy bump against my fingers.
"I know you're staring at me mister" She chuckles while her eyes still remained shut.
"You look so beautiful" I smile
"Well that's nice to know since I haven't worn makeup in like four months" She mumbles while her eyes slowly flickered open.
"Wow" I grin
"Awww stopppp" Y/N blushes
"How can I stop when you look so good honey" I reply
"Even though I've put on a bit of weight?" She questions
"Yes! That doesn't affect anything" I say looking shocked
"Thanks" She grins

Your POV

Fucking hell....that's literally how I can describe the amount of pain I've been through my first trimester. My doctor said that if I continue eating well and getting my vitamins I should feel a lot better during my second and yh it's been good so far actually.

Of course during this trimester I've gained weight and I um I don't know how to feel about that but on the plus side my boobies have grownnnn! I don't care whether Shawn is judgmental or not I don't feel comfortable showing my body anymore.

"Hey I'm gonna go take a warm bath" I say trying to get up but um of course I struggled
"Woah woah woah! Let me help you honey" He stops me in my tracks,helps me off my side and off the bed.
"Fuck" I sigh as I walk to the bathroom and Shawn follows.
"I'll run it for you and I'll put in a bath bomb" He says kissing my cheek before turning on the water. 
"Wait you didn't use the bath bombs I gave you?" I ask
"O-Of course I did" He hesitates
"Mhm" I answer back
"Listen I didn't really have time to take a bath" He chuckles
"Well looks like you're taking one after me then Mr 26" I smirk and he just stands there smiling like an idiot
"Shawn the water!" I yell and he turns around to see the bath overrunning
"Shitttttttt!" He exclaims turning it off but it doesn't close
"Shawn come onnnnn!" I shout
"I-it's not turninggg!" He yells so I move his hand off and then I manage to turn it off. There's nothing but silence after that.
"Whoops" He says turning red but I can't help but laugh at his inability to turn off a faucet.
"I'm tired ok?" He states and I still keep laughing
"It's ok j-just get the bath bombs please" I giggle

While Shawn tries to find wherever the fuck he put them, I start brushing my teeth and my mind just wonders to my whole life journey.

Wow I've been through so much shi-

"FOUND THEM!" Shawn yells at the top of his lungs which caused me to come back to reality within a second and not to mention choke on my toothbrush.

A few minutes later....
"Voila" He says presenting the bath
"Gracias" I say
"Wrong language but ok" He mumbles
"Huh?" I question
"Nothingggg enjoy Y/N" Shawn smiles before kissing my cheek
"Uh uh, come back" I command as I pulled his tank top almost causing him to trip
"What?" He chuckles
"You're missing a spot" I grin and he smirks before placing a kiss on my lips. I pull him closer causing him to put more effort and passion into it.
"Ok ok that's enough lover boy" I smile
"You sure?" He asks still keeping close to me which wasn't making it any easier for me
"Y-yes now goooooooooooooo!" I exclaim pushing him out of the door and locking it

10 minutes later...
"Now this is the life" I sigh

Hm I haven't posted in a literally a year from today, wow

I decide to take a picture and post it to insta and it's NOT of my face because nobody needs to be scared when they look on their screens.
"OKKKKKK!" He shouts back

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