Chapter 32

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Next morning
Your POV
My eyes open and I wipe the drool off of my cheek.

That means I've had good sleep...literally for the first time in 3 months

I sit up,rub my eyes and while my eyes adjust I look around the room. My eyes can only see an empty bed so my pupils divert to the bathroom door which was wide open and empty. I then look in front of me to see Shawn sitting on one of those wide cushion chairs staring at me on the other side of the room.

"Shit!" I yell grabbing my chest
"You scared me" I sigh but Shawn doesn't reply he just sits there with his eyes locked on me.
"Shawn are you ok?" I ask but I still get no response
"D-did I do something wrong?" I question and there's a long pause before I try to speak again but I'm cut off by his raspy tone.
"Did you do something wrong?" He asks sarcastically
"Umm Yh that's what I asked" I reply
"Look at your phone" he states while running his hands through his hair

I gulp as I reach to grab my phone.
"Ok so what do you want me to do?" I ask and he gets up walking over to me. I kind of flinch due to his erratic movement from the chair to the couch.
"Open the messages app" he says and I do
"Now click on Connor's messages" he continues and I take a deep breath.

I swear if I somehow sent some weird message to Connor last night....

"Open it then" he states clearly getting irritated

Connor🤪: hey baby
Connor🤪: I had a fun time last night
Connor🤪: maybe we should do that again sometime
Connor🤪: you're honestly so fricking hot
Connor🤪: I miss u
Connor🤪: 💦💦

Are you fucking kidding me?

Wtf is this?!!!

This idiot.....

This fucking ugghhhhhh ocean eyed freak!

He must've been so drunk

Oh my gosh how am I gonna explain this to Shaw-

"So what's your excuse?" He asks
"You were drunk?" He says in a sarcastic tone
"No Shawn seriously listen to me I-" I try to plea
"Here we go again you trying to make up another excuse about why this happened and why this looks like this when it's not like that" Shawn cuts me off
"Cut the bullshit" he continues
"Tell it to me straight....have you been messing around with Connor behind my back?" He asks
"No of course not" I state
"Well then it looks I'm gonna have to go over there and deal with this myself" He answers clenching his fists
"NO!" I exclaim stopping Shawn in his tracks
"Oh so why are you denying it now? Because you wanna save don't want him to get fired or hurt?" He retorts in a mocking high pitch tone and I just roll my eyes
"No don't roll your eyes at me" He states
"If this guy is harassing you and that's what you couldn't tell me before then I need to deal with this shit" Shawn says clenching his jaw
"Shawn please don't hurt him...I-I'm pretty sure it was just a mistake" I plea
as I grab on to his arm.
"I don't care and get off of me!" He exclaims pushing me backwards with such force that I almost fell back onto the couch.

The final sound that hit my ears was the aggressive slam of our room door.

I mean talk about dramaaaaa😂😂😂😂
Also I really like this new emoji:🥱🥱🥱🥱

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