Chapter 74

311 5 20

September 6th - Rogers Centre
*Long Chapter

Shawn's POV

In and out

Take deep breaths

You got this

No fucking pressure




"Shawn, look at me" Y/N says and I look at her
"You'll be fine" She chuckles
"Everything's set and you've rehearsed more than enough" She continues and I look away

She's not wrong to be honest

"Shawn, keep your eyes on me....everything will be fine ok" Y/N states and I nod
"No answer back" She states
"Ok ok it'll be fineeeeeee" I sigh
"Good!" She exclaims clapping her hands which startled me a bit
"Whoops sorry" She apologises
"Don't worry about it" I grin while I stare at her lips
"Mmm, come here" I mumble and I pull her to my lips. Of course the softness of her lips never fail to amaze me, she's just magnificent like everything about her.

"Shawn ok ok, you need to go" She giggles as I leave one last peck on her cheek
"I'll be watchingggggg" She says while I walk out of the dressing room but I stop in my tracks
"What's wrong?" She questions and I turn around
"You might wanna put on something nice" I remark and wink at her before jogging off

Your POV
"Right ok then" I smile rolling my eyes but then realise I'm wearing really lose bottoms,an old oversize tee with Winnie the Pooh slippers

I can't believe this is the show everyone has been waiting for, like time has flown so quickly it's ridiculous. I just hope everything goes to plan and he has the time of his life....

"I'm not changing the fuck" I say to myself as I walk over to the couch and sit down. I wish I could watch out there but it's too hectic so why not watch the show from the screen they put in the dressing room.

And who says money doesn't buy happiness

I see Shawn step out looking quite nervous due to the massive crowd and my first instinct is to run out there and hug him but we all know that a) that would ruin the show and b) I can't run so um yh. Soon or later when he gets into the show I can see his adrenaline rushing like crazy and of course his vocals are point.

2 hours later

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2 hours later....
"That's my man" I sigh
"And that's your dad" I coo poking my belly. All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door:
"Come in!" I yell
"Oh hey Y/N, wait w-w-why haven't you gotten ready yet?!" Brian panics
"Woah dude, what's everyone's deal with what I'm wearing I think I look quite good actually" I reply
"Y/N I don't give two shits but just get ready" He states
"No" I answer back
"Fucking hell man" Brian sighs
"Ugh fineeeeeee" I sigh
"Good" He grins and then he slams the door purposely loud

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