Chapter 23

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Next Morning
I wake up in Shawn's arms as the orange sun rises up into in the sky. My mind flashes back to what had happened yesterday and it makes me feel uneasy as I soon remember that there's a bruise on my neck. I try to get out of Shawn's arms but his grip was really tight. It's almost like he was scared of me running away and leaving him in the middle of the night and to be honest I can't blame him.

"Shawn....let go please" I whisper while poking his hand
"Where are you going?" He asks with his eyes still closed
"The bathroom" I reply and he reluctantly lets go. I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I face the mirror like I usually do but this time I notice that the bruise on my neck has turned more purple rather than red. It wasn't too big, it's small enough to be considered a hickey.

I turn on the tap,scoop up cold water and splash it onto my face. The moment the cold water met with my skin I felt relaxed and in another world. A world where everything was so peaceful and where my life wasn't such a rollercoaster. In the sense that whenever I'm happy something bad has to ruin it. I just want to be able to breathe in and out calmly and not have to stress or be scared ever....but of course now I'm in constant fear since everyone seems to want to put their hands on me like I'm not a person. Like I'm just a toy that won't feel feelings or get hurt.

I grab a towel and dry my face while slowly coming back into reality.

"Hey ummm Y/N" Shawn says standing in the bathroom doorframe.
"Oh hi" I reply being slightly startled. There he was...topless with his grey boxers on. One curls lay on his forehead meanwhile his jawline still remained sharp and strong as ever. He's my everything.....

But would my 'everything' attack me like he did?

"You wanna do anything today or would you prefer not to?" He asks with concern
"I wouldn't mind looking around the shops the hotel has to offer" I reply
"Ok that sounds great" he smiles weakly and I do too.In return there's awkward silence between us where we casually meet each other's eyes and then look away.
"Umm if you wanna shower you can" I say avoiding eye contact with him even though I know he's staring at me intently.
"Oh I thought you wanted to shower first" He answers back but I don't reply

"Well usually we shower together so no one really goes first" He mumbles
"Yh that is true" I state looking around the bathroom trying to avoid his beautiful eyes
"Well umm d-do you wanna shower with me or not?" Shawn questions
"I-I mean it's up to you...y-you don't have to do if you don't want to" He quickly adds trying to be careful with his words.

I take a deep breath and think about whether I want to. Whether I'm going to try and brush off what happened yesterday which is hard to do or just stick with being awkward around him for the rest of the vacation.

"I-I think I'll just go first" I say and I can see Shawn's heart crumble slowly.
"Oh ok sure.....I'll wait" He smiles trying to cover up his frown as he runs his hands through his messy curls. I walk over to the shower, open the door and remove my top. I look back because I feel like he's still there for some reason. I turn around to see him standing there biting his nails while he's just staring at me. I wave my hands but he's not responding.

"Shawn? Helloooo?" I exclaim
"Oh sorry I was daydreaming" He says as he leaves the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

He obviously wasn't daydreaming

Will Y/N and Shawn's relationship go back to normal?😖😖😖

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