Chapter 62

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Shawn's POV
"Me and her are just friends. Nothing more." I sigh and then proceed to go downstairs.
"You probably don't care but I'm going for a drive" I state and she follows me to the front door.
"I-I lo- you know what there's no point anymore" I say opening the door and then slamming it shut in front of her.

Fuck this shit man

I get into my Tesla and just start driving, I don't know where I'm driving to but I need to calm down before I do something I regret. The fact that we're arguing to this level and it isn't abnormal is scary to me. Arguing this aggressively isn't normal no matter what anyone says. How could she think I was cheating? The sun starts to set as I keep on driving down the highway and I reminisce on all the good times Y/N and I have had so far. I turn off the highway and eventually end up on a random street so I park on the curb.
"Shit" I sigh while leaning my head back onto my seat.All of a sudden my phone goes off and it's an insta dm from Camila.

Camila: how you doing dude
Me: fucking shit
Camila: oh what happened
Me: just problems
Camila: do you wanna come over and talk about it?
Me: like to your house?!
Camila: um yh 😂 I don't live far
Me: why
Camila: to talk about whatever's going on
Me: just call me

That didn't make sense...

camila_cabello is calling you...

As soon as I picked up the phone I mentally broke down...I don't know why but I did. I couldn't control the amount of tears running down my face.
"Oh my gosh! Shawn!" Camila exclaims and I start hyperventilating.
"Shawn please just breathe" She says
"T-this is just f-fucked up man" I cry
"I understand but you need to control your breathing " She replies and I start to calm down.
"Right so what's going on?" She questions
"I just had an argument with someone" I reply
"Oh what was it about if you don't mind me asking?" She asks

She can't know it's anything to do with my relationship...

"So this person started complaining that I don't give them enough attention but I do and I don't know what's been going on with this person lately but I really do care about them." I state
"Hm well seems like this person needs to have their space for a bit and reevaluate why they got angry at you. Unless you're guilty of something" She says

Yh talking to you for this long and for some reason not mentioning you to Y/N...

"Yh thanks for the advice...I-I gotta go bye" I quickly say before ending the call.
"Y/N is probably going through something that I don't know about and is getting irritated with me easily because of it or her period's coming. I'll just drive back and try and talk to her" I say talking to myself.

Your POV

An hour and a half later...


Go and talk to another guy?

Who am I kidding?  I don't act like that and what guy would be better that Shawn?

I overreacted...he's not cheating, he doesn't even hide his phone from me and so what if he's talking to a celebrity who's a female! That doesn't mean shit!

Now I feel bad...

I pick up my phone and call him. Hopefully he picks up but he's driving.
"Hello?" I say
"Hey" Shawn replies in a slightly croaky voice
"I-I'm sorry...I overreacted, I understand if you don't want to talk to me right now but c-can you come back home. Please?" I whimper and I hear him take a breath.
"Yh I'm on my way already honey" He answers
"We can discuss this issue later since you're driving..I don't want you to get into an accident" I state
"We can talk now since my phone is connected to the car's Bluetooth" Shawn says
"Oh ok so then I want to start off saying that my mood got completely out of control and for some reason I was getting a thrill from arguing which sounds psychotic. The only genuine thought in my head was if you're getting tired of me Shawn.." I say
"Y/-" Shawn tries to say but I cut him off
"No listen I've clearly never been in a relationship for this long and sometimes I do get scared that this will happen again and we'll just end things. That's why I assumed that you were more interested in Camila since she mentioned you in an interview" I continue

"Baby I'm so sorry you felt like that. It's my fault I should've told you that I'd been talking to her since she's a celeb.All I can say is that I have never made advancements towards her I've never even thought of that honey. So please don't worry. Ok?" He softly says
"The only thing I have an issue is with you not being clear with what you do and don't like. I get it you have bad days and we all do but we need to improve our communication despite how long we've been together" He states

So there's something wrong with me??? Of fucking course there is...


Just relax I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it like that...

"Yh I-I agree" I reply
"Great, when I get home expect a long cuddle session" He chuckles and I giggle
"In addition I'll get some face masks, make some muffins and help retune your guitar so you're ready to play some new songs" I smile
"Aw really?" He asks



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