Chapter 61

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Next week...
I take my first bite of the lasagna Shawn and I had made together as our dinner tonight.
"Wow this is really good" I chuckle while the food is still in my mouth
"Ugh don't ever talk with your mouth full it's disgusting" Shawn states looking at me in disgust
"Ok ok I'm sorry you don't have to look at me as if I'm repulsive" I retort back after finishing the food in my mouth
"Then don't do it again" He mumbles under his breath and I give a fake smile before rolling my eyes. We both pull out our phones and continue eating our meal without taking our eyes off of our devices. Later,I put my phone down because we need to actually have a conversation while we're eating at the table not ignoring each other. All of a sudden, Shawn places his phone landscape leaning on his glass and places his AirPods in.

Is he fucking serious. I don't know what's been going on lately...but I hope what I think isn't true.

"Oh so me speaking with my mouth full is worse then watching a fucking YouTube video while your fucking GIRLFRIEND is sitting right in front you!" I exclaim and Shawn takes out his AirPods immediately.
"What did I do?!" He yells
"You're not even paying attention to me!" I shout back
"You've been so moody lately...for literally no fucking reason! I do one thing, you say oh Shawn why are you ignoring me? I try and make you happy and give you attention but then you say I'm trying too hard to make you happy!" He exclaims
"I don't see anything wrong with that" I reply
"You're crazy" He states in shock
"Oh shut up Shawn!" I yell
"How can I shut up when I don't even know how to act anymore since everything I'm doing is wrong?!" He shouts and I go upstairs
"Where are you going?! You can't just ignore me!" He exclaims and I turn around
"I need to pee!" I yell with wide eyes
"Again?!" He exclaims

"Gosh always complaining about my moods" I mumble going to the bathroom
"I heard that!!" He shouts
"Fuck you!" I exclaim slamming the bathroom door shut, I go to sit on the toilet and pee. After I finish washing my hands I open the door to see Shawn sitting on the bed.
"Right so can we talk about this because I've done nothing wrong?" He questions
"You're literally complaining about me being con fucking fusing and I'm not. I know exactly what you're doing Shawn" I state
"What the fuck are you on about?!!" He exclaims and I chuckle
"You're cheating on me Shawn!" I scream at the top of my lungs
"WHAT?!" He shouts the loudest I've ever heard him shout.
"You're always on that fucking phone, probably texting a girl right now because you're Shawn Mendes and can get any girl to madly fall in love with you" I remark and Shawn sits there in awe
"Of course how could I be so blind...there's no way this relationship would've lasted this long." I say crossing my arms but he doesn't reply
"Have I just exposed you Shawn? Hm?" I question moving closer and closer to him
"Or maybe I've got it wrong maybe you wanna drive back to a high school and go bang another 18 year old in the music office" I whisper in his ear.
"Oh wait no pfft sorryyyyy. Of course that's not who you're talking to according to my sources I've heard you've been very fond of some singer called Camila. Is that true?" I ask
His head shoots up ,his face was completely red with veins about to pop out of his forehead.

"What are you gonna do? Choke me again?" I ask and he stands moving closer to me so my back is on the wall.
"Do it then" I whisper
"FUCK!" Shawn cries
"Me and her are just friends. Nothing more." Shawn sighs and then proceeds to go downstairs.
"You probably don't care but I'm going for a drive" He states and I follow him to the front door.
"I-I lo- you know what there's no point anymore" He says opening the door and then slamming it shut in front of me.

I knew it. Two can play at this game Shawn.

Well all couples argue. I guess....

Is Y/N over reacting or is Shawn up to something? Leave your theories in the commentsss!

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