Chapter 21

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"Baby you ok?" I ask walking up to her but she just grabs her sponge with shower gel and constantly brushes it lightly against her neck.

Fuck....what have I done

"You can come in if you want" She whispers
"Are you sure....I-I don't want to make you uncomfortable after the fuck shit I did" I sigh
"Yes I want you to come in...." She says turning back to look at me with puppy eyes.
"Ok fine" I reply taking off my shorts,boxers and t shirt. As soon as I'm fully nude she looks back observing me up and down. She bites her lip slightly before facing the other way and that made me smile slightly but's not the right time to be smiling. I guess she bit her lip because she was nervous. I get in the bath and lay back onto the end of it. Y/N lays her back on my chest and her head on my shoulder.
She begins washing her legs with her sponge ever so slowly. The only sound prominent was water being moved in the bath tub by Y/N.

"Why did you choke me Shawn?" She asks with a soft tone.

My heart begins to race as that completely slipped my mind. I don't know how but it did.
"Calm down....just breathe" Y/N whispers forgetting she was laying in my chest so she could obviously feel my heartbeat.
"I don't know I just got so fucking angry that you may be hiding something from me that's important and then I got flashbacks of that abusive relationship and how I felt. I-I can't justify my actions but I just lashed out....I've never ever touched anyone like that before." I state
"You scared really did" She says as a tear drop falls from her cheek
"No no baby please don't be scared of me I-I.....honey" I reply
"Your neck looks so bruised oh my God" I panic starting to hyperventilate
"Shawn you don't need to cry or be scared.." She begins to say

Y/N gets up off my chest and faces me,her beautiful chest is exposed to the cold air conditioned air and I slightly catch of glimpse of her mesmerising body. Goosebumps start to form on her body making her nipples hard.

Fuck w-why am I being a creep

"Ummm y-you know one thing Shawn....I've always had a f-f-f-fear of men and their ways ever since my ex hurt me mentally ....I thought you were still are but don't do that again....I don't like that....that scared me....if u need to do something to control that t-then....f-fuck just don't do that ok!... p-promise me cuz I know that wasn't the real you" She says staring me deep in the eyes

"Of course I won't" I quickly answer back. We stare at each other for a solid 1 minute I try to comfort her but she just gets out the bath and hops into the shower. I was watching her intently so intently in fact she looked at me twice in fear.

"Can you like not observe my body like that Shawn?" She asks while in the shower
"Oh sorry" I reply looking down at the bath water and fiddling my thumbs.


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