Chapter 33

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My heart starts to pound as I unlock our front door and sprint down the hallway towards Connor's room.I was literally in a long t shirt and underwear. I approach the door and start banging on it with my fist. I didn't care if I woke up every single person in the hotel I just needed to make sure Connor wasn't going to get hurt in any way.

"Shawn!" I exclaim and the door suddenly opens only for my eyes to meet a flustered and beetroot coloured Shawn.
"Shawn p-p-please don't tell me you hurt him" I plea but he just gives me a cold and long death stare before pushing past me and walking back down the hallway to our room. As soon as Shawn walks away I pushed Connor's room door open and slowly walked inside. I close the door behind me as my heart pace begins to quicken again.

"C-Connor?" I say making my way to the bedroom where I see Connor sat in a corner with his head in his knees.
"Oh my God!" I exclaim and I rush over and kneel in front of him
"What the fuck did he do to you?!" I say panicking but he didn't look at me
"Connor please!" I exclaim as a teardrop rolls down my cheek
"Look at me" I whisper as more run down my face

He slowly lifts up his head to reveal a purple bruise across his cheek and bottom lip cut open.
"Connor I'm so sorry!" I exclaim pulling him into the most passionate hug I've ever given in my life.
"It's's my fault, I was so drunk last night" he says and I look at his eyes that are slightly red from him crying.
"It's ok I don't care how drunk you were,all I know is that you didn't mean to send those things to me. Otherwise you could've said that in person" I say
"Well I-" he tries to cut me off
"No no it's fine don't stress......are we still friends?" I ask putting my hand out
"Ok...friends" he sighs grabbing my hand and I help him get up
"Fuck I'm probably gonna be fired" he remarks running his hands through his hair therefore  showing signs of stress
"He can't,I'll tell him it was a mistake and you sent it to the wrong person" I answer taking the scrunchies off of my wrist and tying my hair up.

Just breathe, I just need to explain to him that Connor didn't mean it.....I-I'll literally do anything to prove that I'm not interested in Connor...even thought I literally got jealous of a girl grinding on him

But forget about that

I make my way to the door but Connor grabs onto my wrist.
"What's wrong?" I ask with a soft tone
"Just leave it" He pleas
"Why? You want him to think you're trying to move to his own girlfriend? No way" I state trying to let go
"No!" He yells and I turn back in shock

That's the first time I've actually heard him yell like that

Connor stares at me for a solid 10 seconds before grabbing my face

and pulling my lips onto his....

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