Chapter 37

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I walk into the bedroom to see Y/N laying on her stomach on her laptop but her head was blocking what she was looking at.

"Hey Y/N" I say and she looks back in shock closing her laptop quickly
" oh umm hey Shawn I-I didn't hear you come in" She stutters looking behind her
"Sorry my bad" I say and I go to sit next to her. She rolls onto her back and stares at the ceiling. For a while there is an awkward silence and my eyes shift around the room hoping she would say something.
"Hey should I put the tv on?" I ask
"Sure" She says still staring at the ceiling and I turn it on.
"Anything you wanna watch in particular or?" I question
"Umm I'm not wait....go on Netflix and log in" She blurts out and catches me by surprise
"Wouldn't it be easier to just watch it on your laptop because I can't really remember my login" I say and she looks at me as if I said something wrong
"No,no," She states
"Oh ok" I comply and I spend 15 minutes trying to remember my login and after 10 tries I finally get it right.
"Let's watch you" she smiles making eye contact with me. A rush of heat runs through my body.

Is she flirting with me...

"Hellooooo??" She asks waving her hands in front of my face
"What?" I ask
"The show called you" She continues
"Ohhh ok" I reply and the rush of heat completely disappears as I find the show.
"People said it was really good" She says as the episode plays

I didn't really pay any attention to the show to be honest. I just wondered what was on Y/N's laptop.

"Oh shit what the fuck...why doesn't this girl have curtains to her house?" She chuckles and I look up from my phone to look at the screen.
"Oh Yh she's basically asking for someone to watch her" I smile
"Yup" She replies going over to the mini fridge and getting out a slice of pizza.
"Where did that slice come from?" I ask
"I saved it from last know what it just appeared from the air" She says quickly switching her sentence

40 minutes later...
The episode is finally over and I really don't want to watch another one I just want to comfort her. I feel so bad....I just need to show her that I care.

"You wanna watch another episode?" I ask trying to fill the awkward silence.

Why the fuck did I ask that question

"Yh of courseeee! This show is sooo good" She exclaims grabbing a bag of m and m's from the fridge

W-where did all these snacks come from? I-

I reluctantly put on the second episode and I actually try to pay attention and Y/N was right...this show is actually interesting.

Midway through the episode
"Oh damnnnnn!" Y/N exclaims moving next to me and holding my arm. Her grip was tight and I can't blame her because the scene was intense. Her hands were warm though and soft as can be.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door.
"I'll go get it" I say getting up and she pauses the show. I look through the peep hole and see that it's Andrew, Teddy and the rest of the crew so I open the door.
"Hey dude how are you guys?" Andrew asks looking for Y/N
"Oh we're good and Y/N is watching Netflix" I reply
"Ah ok" He says
"Do you wanna head to lunch?" Teddy questions
"It's lunch time already?" I ask in shock
"Yup it's two pm" She says
"It's been a long morning...I'll ask Y/N if she wants to come" I sigh but Andrew grabs my arm.
"Let her breathe....she can come along when she wants to" He says

But it will look like I've just left her again

"Come on Shawn...she isn't a child I'm pretty sure she can survive without you for an hour or two" Teddy says
"Ok fine" I sigh
"Y/N!" I exclaim
"Yh?!" She replies
"I'm gonna go eat lunch with the guys don't worry about the show, just watch it without me!" I shout
"Ok cool!" She exclaims

I'll guess she'll be fine then

You guys can relax she hasn't left 😂😂

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