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Go check out my new book or im telling your mom youre a meth addict

The next day had arrived, and Jin was bouncing in his seat as he eagerly waited for the drive to Namjoon's house to end.

"We have fun today, Joonie?"

"Mhm, lot's of fun, sugar." Namjoon replied, taking his eyes off the road for a split second to glance at Jin. Even the millisecond he spent looking at Jin sent his heart into a fury. How could someone be that pretty? "We'll hang the rules first thing."

Jin practically ran out of the car, not waiting for Namjoon to open it for him as he usually would. He hopped up and down infront of the door. "Open it! Open it! Open the door, Daddy!"

Namjoon laughed, "Im going, sweetheart." He jogged up the path and jiggled the keys, opening the door and watching Seokjin run in happily.

"I get to see Daddy today!" He cheered and ran for a hug from Namjoon.

Namjoon picked him up, holding him by the butt as he placed him on his hip. He tugged off Jin's little, green shoes while he stepped on the heels of his own to scrape them off. "And Daddy gets to see his handsome baby." He replied, planting a bunch of kisses onto Jin's plump cheeks. The giggle Jin let out was muffled by his own fist held on his mouth. Namjoon swore Jin could kill him if he really wanted to. He was always one cute giggle away from a heart attack. But like anything with a non-great possible outcome from the soft hands of Jin, Namjoon didn't mind. Death by cutie was a good way to go. He reached into a bag he'd laid on the table. "Is this frame good, bubs?" The frame was wide enough for all three papers to fit side by side, with pretty flower carvings on the light brown wood. Jin nodded, happy Namjoon was actually going to hang the papers up.

Namjoon sat down in one of the chairs, moving Jin onto his lap. The papers were set down by an eager, little Jin. "Look, Daddy. I even put stickers on them." Jin spoke up, nodding towards the sheets.

"I like the butterfly ones." He smiled, "You did so good, Prince." He shuffled the sheets into the frame, and closed the clamps on the back. "Where should we put it?"

"There," Jin pointed to the wall opposite of them. "No, wait! There," this time, he pointed next to the big television. "No, there!"

Namjoon laughed, "How about Daddy's room, hmm?" Another eager nod from Jin followed, and Namjoon carried him up the stairs and into his bedroom. With a small plop, Jin was set onto the bed, sweeping his hands over the soft sheets. He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. He wanted to wake up in these sheets every morning, not his own, lonely bed. "Where should this go, Jinnie?"

Jin smiled and pushed the thought away. After all, he was with his Daddy, this was no time to be sad. "There!" He pointed over the headboard of the bed. "No, there!" He pointed to the spot next to the balcony. "No, wait! There!" He pointed to the wall by a dresser.

Namjoon laughed, "How about here," he grabbed a nail and banged it into the wall with a hammer. He was talking about the wall across adjacent to his nightstand. "That way, it'll be the first thing I get to see every day." Jin's chest felt fuzzy. He got to be the first thing on Namjoon's mind! "Should keep reminding me to be a good Daddy and take care of my baby boy, hmm?" He ran a hand through Jin's soft, black hair, ruffling it up a bit. Jin giggled, making grabby hands for Namjoon to pick him up. "Do you want to do the honor, Jinnie?" He asked as he picked him up and set him on his hip.

Jin snatched the frame off of the bed, reached for the wall, and hung the loop provided by the frame onto the nail. Jin was always a messy kid, so Namjoon had to fix the frame. It would drive him crazy if it were crooked. Considering it would be the first thing he saw, it would also be the first thing he'd do once Jin went home.

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