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Time skip ooOoOh~

Jin excitedly danced around the room, holding a stuffed elephant close. "Hobi, look!" Hoseok smiled up from his spot on the carpet. "He dances like Yoongi!" Hoseok laughed hard at the comment poking fun at Yoongi. He was a bit awkward when he'd be asked to dance with anyone but Hoseok. When they were together, Yoongi could burn down the building with his fire. But when anyone else would ask him to bust a move, he became the world's worst break-dancer.

"You're right, Jin." He smiled wide, "Spot on." Jin sat down next to Hoseok and laid his head on his shoulder. The embrace was welcomed by the other, he placed his arms around Jin and hugged him.



"Do you," Jin stopped to think about the way he'd structure his words. "Do you sometimes miss, things?"

Hoseok chuckled, "What do you mean? Doesn't everyone?"

Jin sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right." He smiled sheepishly, "But I mean, people you feel you probably shouldn't miss?".

Hoseok pulled away a bit to get a good look at him. "What's this about?"

"I think I, I kinda m-miss my father." Jin answered quietly.

"Oh, well that's normal. I love my dad. I miss him, too. Why don't you call him?"

Jin shook his head, "It's not that easy, Hobi. We, we don't really have the kind of-" Jin let out a shaky breath. "We don't have a relationship in the first place. Until I met Namjoon, I only had two people for my life to revolve around. My father was very kind and sweet to me, but he was also snippy and stern. He'd make comments that hurt me, honestly more than they should. But he knew the magnitude of 'you're so annoying' when one of the only two people in my life said it to me. Later he confessed to me that he can't love me because I'm a-a spitting image of my mother. He kept me close in her honor."

Hoseok frowned and wiped away a stray tear off of Jin's chin. "Hey, there's no need to cry over him then."

Jin gave a weak smile in return. "I don't know why I asked that. It seems stupid to miss him after hearing myself say those things out loud." He chuckled and tugged the ends of his sleeves to his palms, rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"Hey, regardless of his actions he was still a big part of your life. It's perfectly normal to miss him, even if he wasn't the best."

"Yeah," Jin sniffled. "I just, I just wish he was one way or the other, ya know? Why couldn't he just be nice and never mean or mean and never nice?" He smiled weakly, "It'd make sorting my emotions out way easier."

Hoseok rubbed Jin's shoulder. "Do you love your father?"


"I said, do you love your father?"

Jin felt guilty that he immediately knew the answer. "N-no."

"Then you're better off now than when you were around him."

"But I still care about him, I just, can't love him."

Hoseok wiped away another tear from Jin's pink tinted face. "Exactly. You can miss him, but you know you don't want to go back to him. If you loved him, it'd be a no brainer. It's alright to miss him, but you can't beat yourself up for it."

Jin crawled into his lap, wrapping his arms around Hoseok's neck and cuddling into his chest. "Thanks, Seokie."

Hoseok smiled at the nick name and hugged the boy in his lap so tight he feared he might not be able to draw in another breath. "Of course."

Jin let his eyes flutter closed but not let himself fall asleep. A room once filled with soft hiccups minutes ago was now filled with silence. Jin liked the way the room seemed so calm and comforting. It felt like a room Hyunsa would love to clean. One where she would hum and do a silly dance as she got to work. Jin smiled at the thought.

Hoseok gave Jin's head a soft kiss and snuggled against him with a calm smile. Jin really liked him. He reminded him of a younger, male version of Hyunsa.

Oh, Hyunsa.

His thoughts revolved around her half the time and the other half always carried a guilty feeling at the back.

Hoseok saw Jin's eyebrows scrunch slightly and immediately acted to calm him down. He grabbed the stuffed elephant and placed it in Jin's lap. His arms were around Jin so sweetly you'd think he was his older brother. The pair felt as if they'd be okay staying like that for hours.

Footsteps coming to a halt at the door pulled them out of it.

"What's going on here?" Namjoon cocked an eyebrow at the scene. No, he was not jealous. Why would you think that?

Jin, upon hearing the voice, shot up and crashed himself into Namjoon. Tears began to decorate his face once again. "Daddy!"

Namjoon quickly pulled him to his chest, holding him tightly. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, Jinnie?"

"D-dun' know!" He yelled through a broken sob.

Namjoon shot Hoseok a look of 'did you do this?' He shook his head and shrugged before letting out a sigh and speaking up. "He's having conflicting feelings right now." Hoseok had a sympathetic frown on his face. "He's kind of sorted them out, but I think it's just overwhelming and he needs a good cry."

Namjoon decided to push away the possessiveness and jealousy he initially felt from seeing Seokjin in his guard's lap. He'd address that another time. Wail after wail, each tear soaked through Namjoon's dress shirt. He could only describe the feeling of Jin's labored breathing against his chest as painful to endure. He really wished he could take it all away.

"Come on, sweetness." Namjoon squat down to pick Jin up by the thighs, wrapping the boys legs around his waist and making his way to their shared room. He sat down and moved to place Seokjin down on the bed but he just whined pathetically, tightening his grip on Namjoon's shoulders. "Okay, I'll stay." A dry chuckle followed his words. Once settled, he laid his chin to rest on top of Jin's head. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Uh-uh." Jin barely managed to mumble out.

"Do you just wanna cry for a little bit?" Jin nodded, and Namjoon just pulled the covers up over them both. "Do you wanna talk about it later?" Jin shook his head no. "Will you be alright?" A nod.

Jin knew Hoseok was right, he just wanted to let out all the emotions he'd pushed away for the last two months.

"I love you, Seokjinnie." Namjoon rubbed Jin's back and rocked him, just wanting to ease him.

"L-lo-ve Da'y, too." He hiccupped out.


I hope this book isn't too long or anything im sorry im trying not to drag it out like i have a plot but absolute max chapters will probably be 100

***Check out the taekook book i just published!!!!****
Its a hybrid book. Not a very intense plot in mind, just a mundane cute lil one planned. The first chapter is out :)

I am so upset about the on my block season it's been like 3 weeks since i finished it and im still mad

Quarantine is making me wanna cut my own hair hnnng


K Thankiesssss

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