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As the days went on, Hyunsa saw less and less of Jin than she did when he wasn't even here and lived at Namjoon's house.

He just wasn't the same, and her heart ached for him.

She just wanted him to be happy and he really wasn't. But what could she do? She let him go so he could smile, and he came back because something changed and now he couldn't. Was she ever gonna win?

Hyunsa stood in the doorway to Jin's room. He was napping. They'd just eaten stew for dinner and he always got sleepy after eating it. It was her secret weapon when he was younger, whenever he'd start to get fussy. She smiled fondly, recalling all the times Jin would peacefully nap after a not-so peaceful hour or two.

"He's precious!" Hyunsa cooed from above. The bundled baby just stared up at her face.

"I know," Mina mused. She felt so proud of herself. Nine torturous months of back pain and mood swings, all paid off. The cutest little baby she'd ever seen laid on her bed. She definitely deserved a pat on the back. "He's my precious little boy." She tickled his feet, earning loud babbles.

"I'm really excited to watch him grow." Hyunsa turned to Mina and laid her hand on Mina's shoulder. "You're gonna do a great job." Mina smiled warmly, but the pair were interrupted by a voice at the door.

"We are gonna do a great job." Minsu walked into the room and wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. A kiss on the cheek and a sweet squeeze on her hip. Hyunsa was excited for this baby to grow up with so much love around them. His parents and Hyunsa would shower him with it. "She did all the super hard stuff, only makes sense I at least have to change diapers." He leaned down and planted a kiss onto the baby's forehead softly.

"Madam's gone through some really tiring months. Don't worry too much about taking care of him right now. I'll give you a week to rest and let your body catch up." Mina smiled thankfully. "But you," Hyunsa looked up to playfully tease Minsu. "You still have to change his diapers."

"You're the worst." He laughed.

"That's why you hired me."

Tears brimmed, which she quickly blinked away. One quick slide of her finger beneath her eyes and she was good as new. No crying here. Whew. She gently shook Jin awake. "Sweetheart," he whispered, "Wake up. If you stay asleep you'll be up all night later."

Jin rolled over and rubbed his eyes, when he was met with the pink walls of his room, he frowned. Everyday he hoped he'd dreamt it all and that Namjoon was still the semi-innocent man he'd met. Yet, every time he hoped for that, he felt a bit bad. How did he ditch Hyunsa so quickly like that?

"Seokjinnie," she sang quietly. "Come on, let's do something."

Jin internally frowned. He'd surely have to make up for lost time, but he also had no motivation to get out of bed. With a shake of the head, he stared down at his lap.

"What's wrong, Honey?"

"Sad." He mumbled out. To be honest, it felt a bit embarrassing to tell her that. She'd just gotten him back from a bad situation yet here he was, moping and behaving like a damp napkin. Shame.

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry," she leaned over and hugged him. "You're safe, that's what we should focus on." If only it were that easy. She placed a kiss on his forehead and held his face in her palms. The tears in her eyes shook the sleep off of him.

"No, don't cry, Hyunnie!" He copied her actions and cupped her tired face in his own hands.

"It's no big deal, just worried about you, is all." She brushed him off and before he could protest, she stood up and held his hands in her own. "Now, how about we catch up on The Fantastic Universe of Gumwad."

He giggled and followed her hand in hand to one of the other living rooms. "It's 'The Amazing World of Gumball', Hyunsa."

She waved his comment away. "It's whatever I wanna call it if you could still understand what I meant." They smiled warmly at each other. It'd been a good couple weeks since she'd smiled like that. Which meant a lot considering the warm smile wasnt even that wide. Hyunsa wondered why he didn't contact her, but that wasn't something she'd dwell on. No, not when Jin was back alongside her, laughing.

The sound of them hitting the sofa and the fizz of the television filled the room. It felt strange to be back in it and not have to expect dust. Her and Jin used to go in there so often, that dust rarely collected. Sure, she still dusted the area and that definitely had to do with it, but with Jin's absence, the dust collected quickly. Only going in to clean said room, Hyunsa was the sole occupant of it. She probably didn't even count, as she was just doing her job.

The rooms were lonely and cold without her beacon of light. The silence deafening, the few sounds here and there felt Earth shattering, and the atmosphere felt robotic. The guards still made small talk with her, a bit more then than ever considering they could see her sadness. Hyunsa definitely appreciated it, but it didn't make much of a difference. How could it, when the only company she'd had for the last nineteen years had vanished?

She shook the thoughts out of her head and watched the television, focusing on the dumb little jokes so she could laugh alongside Jin. He cuddled up to her chest like before and held her close. Of course, she reciprocated. Only a nutcase could deny affection from someone as cute as Jin. And boy, she may have slowly been losing her mind from the silence before his return, but she was no nutcase. She held him tightly, scared if she loosened her grip even the slightest bit, he would disappear. Again.

He smiled up at her when she let out a giggle at a childish butt joke. Spending years with such a childish person must've turned her into a child, too. She gazed down at him and pinched his cheeks, her chest lighting up at his laughter for a few seconds. Jin's smile helped her stay in her reality. The darkness could be overwhelming, but she had Jin. And right now, Jin was by her side. She felt she could do anything.

So why did it still feel the same? The few moments of silence ; were deafening. The rooms ; lonely and cold. The atmosphere ; robotic.

Why did feel like she was alone?

Howdy! Sorry for the wait


You know who you should stan? AleXa. She's a queen and she's so funny. I love her.

Happy pride!!!🏳️‍🌈

I think thats all for now


K Thanks👁️👄👁️🤟

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