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Jin felt guilty, having those thoughts in the back of his mind. He knew he'd never find someone like Namjoon, yet he hoped for someone better. Who could be better than the man he's hopelessly in love with? He didn't want to look for such a person, because he loved the one he had already.

But this was exhausting. Hearing his father's staff plotting to murder Namjoon. Hearing Namjoon talking about being together happily. He could only entertain his idea. How could he break the news that he loved his chosen family enough to reconsider even if just for a second?

Jin lied awake at night, thinking over how easily he abandoned everyone to go live with Namjoon. It was so selfish to take off without a goodbye. These people cared for him when he spent months mourning the loss of his relationship. He couldn't up and leave again.

"I've been cleaning out a room for you, baby." Namjoon said through the latop screen.

"Really?" Jin smiled fondly.

"Well, not exactly. I mean, I've cleared a room for you so you could keep a puppy in there." Jin beamed as he heard this, fluttering his fingers and shaking his hands."Or a cat, whatever thing you want. As long as you promise not to love it more than me."

Jin chuckled, "I could never love something more than you, Namjoonie."

"Yeah, you better not." Namjoon teased.

Jin looked down, playing with the carpet strings. He had a bad feeling in his gut. Stuff just felt out of place. When you cant place your finger on it, you're even more uneasy. Now you don't know what's targeting you.

"What's up, buttercup? Tell me, baby."

Jin shook his head lightly pulling himself out of his head. "Nothings wrong, Joon. I'm just a little tired, I think."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, "And that's why you've been so calm and quiet?" Jin only shrugged. "You don't have to tell me, sweetheart. But you know I can always try to help, right, my Seokjin?"

Jin sighed, "Yeah." He paused, thinking over his words carefully. "I-I just, I've got a bad feeling."

"About what, Seokjinnie?"

"I don't know," he trailed off, rubbing his shoulder. "I don't know what's wrong." Eyes watering, he glanced back at the screen. "Namjoon, I'm scared."

Namjoon's eyes watered at the sight. He wished he could pull him into the tightest hug in the world. Maybe sneaking into his house like before was worth it. He considered it, but if he ever wanted to get him back, he couldn't take that risk this time.

"Oh, Jinnie. Don't cry, baby. Look at me," he waited for the other to make eye contact with him. "Deep breaths, okay? In.....out......in....out."

Jin did as told, wrapping his arms around himself and shrinking. "I-I feel like, I can't take anymore."

"Anymore of what?"

"I don't know....This?" Jin sighed, "I don't like all this fighting, between you and my family." His hands went to his hair as he shook his head no. "They talk about you like you tried to kill me. And you're no better, talking about them like they're the worst people in the world."

"Well...aren't they? For trying to keep us apart, I mean."

Jin looked up in shock. "Namjoon! How could you say that?"

Namjoon put his hands up, "I'm sorry! I was just making a joke. Bad timing, I'm sorry." Jin pouted, and Namjoon sighed as he looked on. This was a tear in his heart strings. He was so hopelessly attached to this man that even seeing him cry brought Namjoon to the verge of tears. "I'm sorry theres tension around here, baby. There's not much I can say or do." Namjoon felt ashamed. He felt pride when he took care of Jin. But where would he find that now that he can't do that? He couldn't fix this problem.

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