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Jin spent the next few days crying, too depressed to leave his room. So Hyunsa did the same ; doing her cleaning as fast as she could and laying in Jin's bed with him.

You see, she was in an awkward position. Kim Namjoon, to her at least, and to many, was a bad man.

But to her sweet sun, her Jinnie, he was not.

He was the closest Jin had ever gotten to exploring the world. Even then, Namjoon kept him pretty sheltered. One step at a time.

So for now, all she could do was hold Jin in her arms and soothe his cries. A gentle rock back and forth would calm him down a bit. All the comfort she could offer was put on the table. Or rather, the bed, since Jin hadn't used a table in a good four days since then. Hyunsa would cook and then spoon-feed it to Jin. He refused to move and, "I'm not hungry, 'won't eat." From Jin, was taken as a bit of a challenge. Jin knew Namjoon would want him to eat, so he decided he'd at least push through the sadness to eat the bare minimum.

"The garden party is tomorrow, Jinnie." Hyunsa stated quietly.

"Mhm." His voice was sore from the almost constant crying.

"I know you don't want to go, but you need to attend. I won't really be allowed to be with you tomorrow. So I need you to be strong." Jin only nodded, interacting with her just to make her happy. He wasn't going to do anything at that party besides sit in the branches of the big tree in his backyard.  Hyunsa cleared her throat, "Namjoon would want that." She saw him tense up. "He wouldn't want you to be sad. He's your..." She hesitated, "Your Daddy, after all. He wants you to be happy, Jin." She gave him a hug, he leaned into her torso. "Namjoon will come back, honey. Just give it some time. I promise you, one day he'll come back." She made the very empty promise as her chin rested atop Jin's matted hair. "Now," she stood up, earning a sad whine from Jin. "Go to sleep, Jinnie. If you're going to push through tomorrow, you'll need all the energy you can get."

She swept his hair out of his face and leaned down, placing a kiss on his forehead. Once he was all tucked in, she walked to the door. "Goodnight, Hyunnie." He mumbled sorely.

She couldn't help the mix of pity and endearment on her face as she turned back to him. "Goodnight, my Jinnie." She blew him a kiss.

"I love you." He mumbled shyly. Her heart burst, oh how she loved her sweet Jin. She was sure Mina was proud of how kind and sweet he was. Sweet was the only word that could ever come to mind to describe him ; when you talked to him, you almost got a cavity. Hyunsa was sure Mina would risk all of her teeth getting cavities and aching if it meant her son was this sickly sweet. The kindest boy she could ever hope for.

"I love you, too, Jin." She smiled and flicked the lights off, closing the door behind her.

When he woke up, a dull ache in his chest panged against his ribcage. He would have to wear the suit that started this whole mess. He thought about this as he begrudgingly found the will to take a shower. Preferring not to smell like B.O. infront of important guests, even if he didn't like them.

He ran his hands through his hair, washing out the conditioner as he pondered his outfit. The thought of wearing the suit, almost disgusted him. If he had just been innocent, if he hadn't been horny, he could be texting Namjoon right then. He could be talking to him about why Peppa Pig was a bad show, or why alphabet soup was for witches, or why pink is clearly the best color and Namjoon is wrong for saying it's purple.

But he wasn't. Instead, he was crying and drying himself off. Which seemed kind of redundant since he would dry his face just to have them get wet again by his own tears. So he gave up and wrapped the towel around himself, laying down on the bed.

A knock on the door brought him out of his head. "Jin?" His father spoke, "Can I come in?"

Jin made sure the towel completely covered him before answering, "Yes."

He walked into the room, "You don't have to get ready now. The party isn't until two, kiddo." Jin tensed at the name, feeling odd that he kind of liked it, even if he didn't like his father all that much. "The suit is in the other ro-"

"I'm not wearing it." He cut him off, stating at his hands in his lap.


"I'm not gonna wear it." He replied, a bit more stern.

"But you liked it so much?" His father retorted. He wasn't angry, just confused. Jin had been excited about the suit. The tailor had told him Jin was very compliant and kind.

"Hate it." Jin added.

"O-okay?" His father remained confused, but didn't care all that much. As long as Jin was presentable, he'd be alright. "So, what are you going to wear instead?"

"The nice dress,"

"...you have a lot of dresses, son." His father chuckled, "You've gotta be more specific."

"With the white polka dots."

His father gave him a smile, as if everything was fine. "Alright, I like that one. Just don't show up naked!" His father cracked the joke and left, closing the door behind him. Jin pretended to laugh, mocking his father.

Jin had three hours until the party, and he'd spend them moping about it to Hyunsa as she spoon-fed him oatmeal.

Sorry this is short but i really love this book i couldnt help myself

I think im gonna start another book ive been saving for a while ; Rich CEOs NamGi where joon finds a little (jin) and yoongi finds a sugar baby (hobi) its inspired loosely off another book i read, but are y'all down for that? Bc i don't want to write a book you don't want. I just want to make yall happy

I see seventeen on sunday addwwsdjcagnkl

Okay stan DreamCatcher


K Thanks bb

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