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"Just wanna make Daddy feel better."

Namjoon felt a little bad, but stood his ground. "That's very nice of you, Jinnie. But I dont think you really understand how to do that."

"I can try, Daddy!" Jin reached down behind him again and grabbed Namjoon's crotch.

"Jin, stop!" Namjoon pulled him off of his lap and sat him next to him. "That's sweet you wanna help, but you're making it worse."

Jin crouched down and leaned over, hovering above just inches away from Namjoon's crotch. "Oh," he said, realization hitting him. "That's your," he hesitated, looking up at Namjoon, who sat nodding while he covered his face with his large hands. "Okay."

Jin swung himself back over Namjoon and pulled his hands off his face. Namjoon was too shocked to react quick enough. Jin smashed his lips into his, and Namjoon naturally responded by moving his own. He opened his mouth all on his own and Namjoon immediately snuck his tongue in, loving the taste of his boyfriend. Jin rocked back and forth slowly on top of Namjoon, causing him to stop and move back. Of course, this was after a few minutes, as he was too enveloped in the good feelings before his brain began to function again.

"Jinnie, stop."

"Why, Daddy?" Jin pouted, trying to wiggle his hips around, but Namjoon had a tight grip on them, keeping him in place.

"I don't think you really know what you're doing, baby."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows in anger, "Do too know!"

"Really?" Namjoon chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "Honey, until a while ago, you didn't even know how to kiss."

Jin continued to pout, he was angry now. His cheeks bloomed red because as angry as Jin was, Namjoon was right. About the kissing thing, not about Jin "not knowing" what he was doing.

"Have you ever even heard about doing more than kissing?"

Jin didn't like the way Namjoon was so confident in knowing about this. It made him feel like Namjoon didn't like having to educate Jin about so many things.


"But you've never done it?" Namjoon asked, chuckling still.

Jin nodded angrily, "I have." He crossed his arms over his chest. "With Ryujoon. He touched me and taught me how to do things and Hyunsa had the sex talk with me." He turned his nose up at Namjoon, wanting to make Namjoon feel like he was wrong all along.

Instead, Namjoon was taken aback. "You've done things? With who?" Jin couldn't see it but Namjoon felt a pang of jealousy shoot through his chest. He didn't want anyone getting to see Jin in that light, but someone else had already beaten him to the punch, apparently.

"Ryujoon. Two years ago when he would come over."

"But what were those things called?"

Jin hesitated, and blushed. He didn't have an answer. What were those things he and Ryujoon did together called? Sex or something? That was all Hyunsa called it, but Namjoon said 'things'. As in plural. So what did Jin do? He didn't really know, either.

Namjoon exhaled a breath neither of them knew he'd been holding, and laughed. "Whew! For a second I thought you knew what was going on!" Jin pouted more, if that was even possible. "Come back when you have more exposure, baby. I don't think you really know what's going on here, sweetheart." He gave Jin a peck on the forehead. "But that's okay. We can cuddle for now. Big boy stuff can wait a while." Namjoon chuckled again, "I bet my little baby thought babies came from holding hands too long."

Jin, not wanting to make himself seem more naive, giggled. Was that not how that happened? No, no, no. Hyunsa said they came from women and men sex, the bagina, or something. Jin thought to himself. He kinda zoned out once Hyunsa began to talk about the women parts. Thankfully, she educated him about all the possible combos of sexual partners. But really, Jin didn't want to pay too much attention to that, either. After all, this was basically his mother telling him all of these things. It would've felt less awkward if Hyunsa hadn't been telling him these things after the first time a boy came over to the house.

Jin nodded, dropping the topic and making a note to do his own research later, like before. Only this time, he'd probably be a little taken aback.

Jon definitely was naive about this whole sex thing. But Namjoon knowing that, made him feel really insecure. But he'd done some form of it before! Surely you can't be naive if you've already done it, right?

Jin snuggled up to Namjoon, squishing himself right up to his side and laying his head on his chest. He felt Namjoon's big hands rub up and down his arm. "I hope I didn't upset you, Jin. It's just stuff I don't think you're big enough for."

Jin didn't respond, chosing instead to get even more comfortable with Namjoon. Namjoon held Jin's hand and Jin began to doze off. When Namjoon turned to hear soft snores coming from his chest, he held back a laugh, opting to take a picture of his sleeping beauty instead.

Jin fell asleep on his boyfriend with thoughts racing around his head, thoughts too fast for him to mull over well. He did know what consent was. He still does. I'm old enough for sex! He thought to himself.

It was then that the age gap between Namjoon hit him in the heart. There were six years between them, but it had never mattered to either of them. If it mattered to Namjoon, he did a good job of hiding it at least.

But did Namjoon think he was too childish?

No, that can't be. Jin has always been childish, and over the past nine months, Namjoon has witnessed this first hand. Namjoon claimed to love the childish antics Jin committed. But he also liked the mature side of Jin, as he was a legal adult and wasn't as naive as he led everyone on to be. He just never felt a need to prove anything to anyone. He didn't need to show anyone he could be a grown up if he needed to be, so he didn't.

But did Namjoon want that?

Jin was woken up by a slight shake. "Jinnie?" Namjoon laughed lightly, "Baby, wake up."

Jin balled his hands up and scrubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "I fell asleep?"

He nodded, "Mhm, you were talking in your sleep."

"What'd I say?" Jin mumbled.

"Something about you being too childish." Namjoon cupped Jin's cheek in his hand, using the fingers closest to his ear to brush the hair out of Jin's face. "Baby boy, if you're worried about that, you really shouldn't." Well, there was Jin's worries answered to. "You're not too childish, that's just the way you are. You've shown you can be a grown up if you want to. Plus, you're a little, you just never had a name for it. You're not too childish, you're just as childish as you want to be."

Jin felt better, and tried his best to let those worries float away. For now, all he had to worry about was what exactly he'd have to google later.

Dreamcatchers japanese comeback slapped these girls work so hard agh

Clc had a comeback on friday it was good not the best thing ever but still good i love clc oof

Idk what else to say but Jin drag me on weverse plis


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