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Hyunsa and Seokjin had awoken to rapid fire gunshots. They shot up in bed, disoriented and scared.

"H-Hyunsa, what's that?"

She stood up and grabbed him, closely holding him at her side. "I don't know, baby. Stay close." She held his hand and quietly, they made their way into the farthest point in the shower.

Downstairs, shots were fired. Minsu's men had been attacked in the front of the house. But no one recognized these men as those of Namjoon. No, this was a different rival.

Fuck! Could he be working with someone? Minsu thought to himself as he hid in his board room, watching everything from the monitors.

It didn't really matter in the moment, because in only around ten more minutes of gun shots, his men had been massacred.

This has to have been planned for a while. There's no way my men could just drop like that. Being caught off guard really sliced our numbers. He snapped out of his thoughts when he was called by a henchmen through the front door camera. The armed man stuck his face right infront of it.

"Your men are down, Mr.Kim." The man had a fiendish smile on his face that sent chills down Minsu's spine. "I'm comin' for ya."

Minsu's eyes widened as he recalled who that voice belonged to. "Jiyong." He gulped as he reached for his walkie-talkie and pressed the button. "Jiyong's back." His men were bit scared now. They'd never heard Mr.Kim so....afraid. Not to mention the rival they thought had been out of their hair for a while.

"Fuck! No wonder they were able to wipe them out so quickly." A guard spoke into the device.

He gulped, "Get ready, crank up the fire power."

"Are you sure? No disrespect, sir, but wouldn't it be a b-"

"Do it, or we're not going to make it out of here."

"A-alright, sir."

Minsu sighed as he sat back, and leaned over, reaching for his large gun and slinging it over his shoulder. The chair was kicked away once he stood up, and he ran to the front door. The plan was to shoot everyone infront of it.

What he'd failed to pay attention to, was the monitors showing just how well surrounded the massive house was. It was practically an army considering the numbers needed to cover that much ground. Not to mention the ones scaling the sides of the building.

Namjoon's men and Jiyong's were annihilating Minsu's. In a way he couldn't fathom. He'd never even seen this as a possibility.

This is happening way too easily. He wondered. Something's up.

Minsu's men would run outside, firing into the crowd. But the crowd paid them almost no mind. Instead, directing their attention to firing at the men already outside. Namjoon was good. He'd stationed snipers in the trees as well. They shot through the windows at Minsu's men trying to fire from inside. And they also wiped out new men running at the crowd just as easily. A few shots from them and they wouldn't break a sweat. This seemed to be going too smoothly. Minsu was afraid. He was loosing so fast, he feared if he blinked it'd be enough time for a bullet to pierce his head.

Screams could be heard, and the gun shots were just as scary. Hyunsa held Jin tightly. "I'm scared, Hyunnie."

She wiped his tears with her thumbs, eyes glassy as she looked at him."Me, too, baby." She sniffed. "But we're going to be okay. You are too precious to die, Seokjin. I'm not going to let you. The universe won't let you, sweetheart. You've got nothing to worry about."

Jin couldn't really understand it, but she seemed certain. Since she seemed certain, he believed her. He'd rather feel better than a lot more terrified.

Down below, Minsu was wiping out intruders as fast as he could. His small group of guards surrounding him and doing the same. They hit the deck when the door was kicked open. There stood Jiyong with a devious smirk plastered across his face. "Hey, Minsu!" He shot at them as they hid behind a wall, peeking to shoot at the rest of the men. Jiyong threw his arms up. "We've got some unfinished business!" He turned to his right to reveal a masked man who'd been at his side the whole time. "Go get your babe, Namjoon-ah." He gave the masked man a pat on the butt while said man took the ski mask off. Of course, revealing none other than the culprit of the whole mess. "Minsu's all mine." Namjoon gave him a salute and made a dart for the stairs, firing at the men who followed and came at him.

Jiyong turned back to Minsu from where he stood behind the couch. He made some strange movements with his fingers and pointed at the group. His men followed whatever order he'd just sent, and went after the group. Meanwhile, Jiyong took care of everyone else from Minsu's mafia, with the help of Namjoon's team, as well.

"Is he ready?" Jiyong asked over the firing, although it'd began to quiet down on the first floor. After all, two gangs against one. The odds were in their favor. His men had Minsu on his knees. Two of them standing on each of his calves and one for each arm. They had him surrounded. "Perfect."

Jiyong let the rest of the guards take care of what was left of battle on the first floor and walked with a pep in his step towards the hiding group.

He bent down, a wicked smile on his face as he flicked Minsu's forehead rather hard. "You remember me? Or did you forget about an old friend, huh?"

Minsu was speechless. Everyone thought Jiyong was taken care of long ago.

"I know what you're thinking. 'How is it possible? I thought you were dead.' That's what everyone thinks. But no one bothered to check for my remains. I was rather hurt by that." Jiyong laughed at his joke. As if he'd ever be concerned with what his rivals thought of him. "I simply passed it on over to my son ; Yugyeom."

Fuck! Minsu thought to himself. I knew I shouldn't have let Minho make that ally. I've got to do everything myself around here. He huffed mentally.

"I'm really proud of him, managing to keep this under wraps for so long, and doing it so well. I mean, wow, look at me. Can you believe it?" He raised his arms triumphantly. "Now, I'm going to pay you back for your little deed." There was a small click from his gun before he pressed the barrel up against Minsu's forehead. "Where you're going, you're gonna pay for everything you did. Don't have too much fun without me! I'll meet you there sooner or later." Still, Minsu was speechless. How could he let so much slip through the cracks? He'd been out of the game before he even had a chance of seeing it coming. "You belonged in the dirt a while ago, and I'm gonna send you there." He chuckled, "Goodbye, Minsu. You pay for your sins and rot in hell." He smiled widely, and fired the gun.

Minsu's face remained frozen as his body went limp in the guards' arms. The blood speckled across Jiyong's face didn't phase him one bit. In fact, he thought he might take a picture to remember this moment.

"Here," Jiyong pulled out a small jar from his fanny pack and tossed it to one of the men by Minsu. "Cut his dick off and put it in the jar."


"Pfft, I don't know," he laughed, "Just think it'd be funny!"

As always sorry for the wait!

Merry (day after) Christmas <3

I have a new book out! Im real excited bout it so please check it out!!! :)

Im gonna go back to sleep now

Is there any books you'd wanna see from me in the future?


K Thanks Xoxo

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