Training and the Competition

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Valkyrie: Tanith and I are training in combat today! Anyone wanna come?

Skulduggery: Sure, I'll come to see you get thrashed by Tanith

Fletcher: Hey! I'm sure she can beat you anyday. Anyway I'll come

Ghastly: I'm coming to cheer for Tanith

China: I'll come but only because Skulduggery's coming

Tanith: I have an idea. How about we make teams? I'm with Ghastly

Fletcher: I'm with Valkyrie

China: Skul, you're on my team

Valkyrie: Ready to get thrashed by me and Fletch?

Tanith: First match will be Fletcherie VS Bonechina!!!

Valkyrie: Hey why does fletcher come first?

Skulduggery: Your attempt at humour is quite funny. Bonechina? Really?

China: I think it's quite appropriate. Then I'm guessing Ghastly and Tanith would be Ghanith?

Ghastly: Sure I love it

Tanith: Everyone meet at the Sanctuary gym area at 3pm

Skulduggery: Unless you're too scared of our "Bonechina" power to come. We may spend centuries mocking you but at least we'll understand.

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