Valduggery Oneshot

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A/N- I don't ship Valduggery tbh... #Fletcherie and #BoneChina all the way. But since alot of people do ship Valduggery and some of you guys might I just put this little chapter in for you guys

Also if you have any Oneshots/Chapters that you want me to write about please comment!!!

*Private chat between Tanith and Skulduggery
Skulduggery: Do you think age plays a part in love?

Tanith: Nah. I love Ghastly and he's like 300 years older than me... Why all of a sudden?

Skulduggery: Well....

Tanith: Is it about Valkyrie?

Skulduggery: *nods

Tanith: I knew it!!!!! Ghastly owes me 5 dollars now!!!

Skulduggery: You knew that I liked Valkyrie?

Tanith: Yeah it was pretty obvious. The way you look at her and everything

Skulduggery: Oh...

Tanith: You should totally ask her out.

Skulduggery: I should?

Tanith: Yeah totally. She tells me how much she wants to go out with you but she's too scared.

Skulduggery: Wow thanks Tanith

*Private chat between Skulduggery and Valkyrie
Skulduggery: Hi Valkyrie

Valkyrie: Hey Skul watsup?

Skulduggery: What do you consider me as?

Valkyrie: What? Um my detective partner? My best friend?

Skulduggery: Nothing more than that?

Valkyrie: What are you talking about?

Skulduggery: Er... Valkyrie Cain would you like to be my girlfriend?

Valkyrie: Omg Skul. I'd love to!!! I was just too scared to ask you out myself.

*Private Chat between Tanith and Ghastly
Tanith: You owe me 5bucks now

Ghastly: What? Why?

Tanith: Skulduggery asked Val out and she said yes

Ghastly: wow I didn't see that coming

Tanith: I told you they loved each other!!!

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