YOLO unless you're Skulduggery

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Skulduggery: What's YOLO?

Tanith: You only live once

Skulduggery: Um....

Valkyrie: Unless you're Skulduggery

Skulduggery: Yes, in that case you come back as a skeleton

Scapegrace: You're forgetting me

Thrasher: And me!

Scapegrace: Shut up Thrasher

Thrasher: Sorry

Scapegrace: Shut up I said!

Thrasher: Sorry

Skulduggery: I really don't think YOLO is a good concept

Valkyrie: Then what? YOLT?

Tanith: ?

Valkyrie: You only live twice

Skulduggery: Theoretically you could live more than twice. For example, if Thrasher became a vampire

Valkyrie: But for the rest of us YOLO

Skulduggery: Are you completely disregarding the fact that if you are bitten by a zombie or vampire you will be living twice?

Valkyrie: If I ever get bitten, do me a favour and kill me. I don't want to be one of those things

Skulduggery: I am just saying YOLO is really an incorrect concept

Valkyrie: I don't have time for this argument right now...

Skulduggery: It's really offensive to those like me that have lived twice.

Valkyrie: Well... you don't take offence when people say magic doesn't exist

Skulduggery: That's just because they're oblivious to the fact it does. And believe me, if I set one of those non-believers on fire using Elemental magic, they'd claim it is science. I used to take offence, but now it's just highly amusing

Valkyrie: Well... I guess YOLO is because they're unaware of the fact that there are vampires and zombies around.

Skulduggery: You're forgetting skeletons on that list

Valkyrie: How many skeletons do you know that are walking around?

Skulduggery: I'm the one and only


Skulduggery:My point is that people are so fixed on what they think is real they can't accept the truth

Valkyrie: I thought your original point was that YOLO is an incorrect concept...?

Skulduggery: Well now my argument has changed and we are now dealing with the narrow-mindedness of people

Valkyrie: I know you just feel offended that you aren't part of YOLO. Skulduggery you can be the exception to YOLO. How do you like that? You're the special one. Can your ego deal with it?

Skulduggery: My ego will love it. YOLO... unless you're Skulduggery

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