Remnant Memories

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*Private Chat between Tanith and Valkyrie
Tanith: Hey Val, can we talk?
Valkyrie: Of course, you're my sister <3
Tanith: Do you think I'm lacking concentration? Ever since.... the remnant thing?
Valkyrie: I don't know how you felt when that happened to you but I will always be here and I will always love you
Tanith: Thanks but do I act differently now?
Valkyrie: No... at least I don't think so
Tanith: I feel distracted
Valkyrie: Just cause I kicked your butt at training today it doesn't mean you're distracted
Tanith: Val, I'm serious
Valkyrie: So am I ;)
Tanith: You did NOT kick my butt at training
Valkyrie: Uh yeah I did. You fell flat on your face remember?
Tanith: Did not!
Valkyrie: Did too!
Tanith: Did not!
Valkyrie: Admit it Tanith, you did. Did it hurt?
Tanith: It didn't hurt because it didn't happen
Valkyrie: Tanith...
Tanith: Fine I admit it. I fell from the roof because I was distracted. My skills aren't all that great these days. Since the remnant... I... I sometimes fall off the roof when I'm at home by myself. It's never happened to me before
Valkyrie: Maybe you should go see Doctor Nye?
Tanith: That freak? No way. And plus I think it's a problem with myself then my magic
Valkyrie: Tanith you have to accept that everything you did wasn't your fault
Tanith: How many people did I kill Val? Did anyone keep record?
Valkyrie: Tanith, the remnant killed, not you
Tanith: I was the remnant
Valkyrie: No you weren't. The remnant took over you
Tanith: The remnant was me. I saw that I was killing. I just didn't have the strength to stop the remnant
Valkyrie: Tanith, don't beat yourself up over it. No-one has ever managed to stop a remnant from possessing them
Tanith: I could've fought it. That would've been one less innocent life murdered
Valkyrie: Tanith, like with Kenspeckle being possessed back then, you have to accept it wasn't you. The Tanith Low I know would never ever kill someone. She would have trouble hurting a bad guy
Tanith: I think you've got the wrong Tanith, I love punching up bad guys
Valkyrie: Haha you know what I mean. You should accept it wasn't you. I was Darquesse. I've learnt to overcome the guilt. You should too
Tanith: But then you fought Darquesse and kicked her butt. I just got my butt kicked by the remnant
Valkyrie: If you and the remnant were separated earlier you would've kicked its butt too. Tanith, I love you okay? Please please for my sake just try... try to accept that it wasn't you. After the fight with Darquesse Skulduggery told me that punishment is easy but redemption is hard. I still have a lot of redemption to go. If you want to truly move on you should try to redeem yourself by doing good things, not continuing to blame yourself.
Tanith: Thanks Val. Really. Thank you. I guess I've never really thought about it like that.
Valkyrie: You're my sister Tanith. And I can't let my sister beat herself up for something she wasn't even responsible for. I can't bear to see you hurt
Tanith: It was torture... torture to see people hurt because of me. For the first time ever, I was the bad guy.

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