Overseas Holiday & Important Notice

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Valkyrie: We are going on a HOLIDAY!!!!

Tanith: We are?

Valkyrie: You bet!

Fletcher: Wait what?

Skulduggery: Who knew about this?

Valkyrie: Me. We're leaving tomorrow.

Fletcher: To where?

Valkyrie: France

Ghastly: Oh I like it.

Fletcher: Are we teleporting?

Valkyrie: Mhm

Fletcher: Ok just make plans but don't tell any of us. That's totally fine.

Valkyrie: Sorry. We can still go though right?

Fletcher: Of course.

Valkyrie: I forgot to mention, after France, we are going to LA

Ghastly: Oh I love LA!

Tanith: I'm so in!

China: Me too!

Valkyrie: Yay! China?

China: Yeah?

Valkyrie: Don't bring half your wardrobe.

China: I didn't last time!!!

Valkyrie: You brought 10 dresses for a 3day trip

China: They were spares!

Valkyrie: Tanith wore the same outfit for 3 days

Tanith: I did.

China: That's just unsanitary

Tanith: It's really not.

Valkyrie: Whatever. But we'll have Fletcher so really we can come back to get changed

Fletcher: What am I? The Fletcher bus?

Valkyrie: Yep. The Fletcher bus!

Fletcher: :(

Valkyrie: Relax I'm kidding.

Fletcher: :)

Valkyrie: You're more like a taxi.

Skulduggery: Hey! Teasing Fletcher is my job

A/N: Sorry for the crappy chapter... got a bit carried away with teasing Fletcher.... Thank you all for over 10K!

Now a bit of bad news.... I mostly wrote this chapter because I just wanted to tell you guys that this fanfic is probably coming to an end very soon. Or at least on hold for a while. Probably less than 5 chapters left. Sorry guys, I can't really find the time or inspiration and in case you haven't realised, this is my first update in a month. Also, I have found that my writing style has changed a lot and I find it hard to write in this sort of style. I will just finish all the chapters I have started and/or have been requested to write. There will be a Gracious X Donegan (Granogen) as well as a Clasher. Other than that, there will be a few final chapters and an epilogue of sorts. Sorry and thanks for all the reads so far! Stay tuned for the final few chapters!

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