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A/N: This idea was given to me by @Doctor-nye Thanks for the idea! You guys should follow them.

Valkyrie: Fletcher, I have your hair gel hostage, you better do what I say

Fletcher: My hair gel? Which one!!!?

Valkyrie: The one that saids "For the best-haired people on the planet who want the best results"

Fletcher: OMG Val!!!! That's my favourite one!!

Skulduggery: I don't know whether I should be concerned or amused

Ghastly: Choose amused. More fun that way

Fletcher: Valkyrie Cain!

Valkyrie: That's me

Fletcher: Give me back my hair gel or else..

Valkyrie: Or else what? Try anything and your hair gel will be on it's way to the dump

Fletcher: No Val don't. Otherwise I'll hate you for life. That hair gel was a limited edition and one of the 400 ever made in the world

Skulduggery: My Bentley is still rarer :) It's one of the 208 ever made

Fletcher: But my hair gel is better.

Valkyrie: Fletcher, no, the Bentley ❤️

Fletcher: Whatever you say. Just give me back my hair gel

Valkyrie: Why should I? I'm having way to much fun now

Skulduggery: The rest of us are really just amused

Fletcher: What do I have to do to get my hair gel back?

Tanith: Please Val, just chuck it out for the rest of our sakes

Ghastly: I say chuck it

Fletcher: Please I'll do anything

Valkyrie: Hm... well I guess there is one thing... Give me the truth to my question

Fletcher: Then will you give it back?

Valkyrie: Yeah. 1. Do you like someone right now?

Fletcher: Yeh why?

Valkyrie: You don't get to ask questions. Now ask her out

Fletcher: How are you so sure it's a her?

Valkyrie: I just do.

Fletcher: Do I ask the person out right now?

Valkyrie: Yup.

Fletcher: Valkyrie...

Valkyrie: What? You're not going to do it?

Fletcher: Will you be my girlfriend?

Valkyrie: Oh... Yes I'd love to Fletcher!

Tanith: Please, this is the type of conversation that belongs in a private chat

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