Seokjin was short on kitchen staff and had asked Jimin and Taehyung to go help him.
Jimin went on an erran for Seokjin but ran into an alpha girl, the servant instantly taking a liking to the omega boy.
The night was starting to get late but only a few people had left, all waiting for the prince to leave first in case anything interesting was to happen.
Everyone was watching both Jimin and Jungkook closely, there was obviously something more to them than just friendship, as they had been telling people, but it was too obvious for anyone to believe them.
Boyoung leaned closer to Jeongguk, she was currently holding his hand as they sat down at their table, a glass of champagne in front of them while the prince watched his omega dance with his new friend.
"Did you want to go dance?" She asked softly, she looked back at her dad as she could feel his eyes on her, she faked a smile before turning around.
Jeongguk turned to look at her before nodding his head, the two had gotten up and walked towards the dance floor, Jeongguk placed his hand on the girl's waist while she wrapped her arms around the prince's neck, trying to pull him closer but he didn't allow it.
The prince glared down at the omega, "what are you doing?" He asked her quietly, annoyed at what she was trying to do.
"My father is threatened by your relationship with Jimin, he knows there is something going on, I'm just trying to convince him otherwise" Boyoung whispered back softly, she was only worried that her father would do something to seperate the two.
"How do you know that?" Jeongguk asked, pulling her closer slightly so they could hear each other talking, "When you went to the bathroom, he told me" Boyoung replies back shyly.
Jeongguk stopped dancing for a second to glare down at Boyoung, "that was two hours ago, why are you only just telling me now?" He asked angrily.
The girl looked at him apologetically, "I was scared to tell you" she answered as she placed her chest onto Jeongguk's shoulder, mostly to hide her face from the younger male.
They dance together in silence for a few minutes before Jeongguk felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to look back to see Mr Choi smiling at him.
"May I have a dance with my daughter?" He asked, the prince nodded his head and gladly passed the omega off to her father for a dance, he immediately walked over to Jimin.
"Mini, let's have a dance" he said as he held his hand out towards the omega, causing all the cameras to start flashing from the reporters that had a small section off to the side.
Jimin looked at his hand before nodding his head, the omega's smaller hand had slid carefully into his alpha's held out hand.
Jeongguk led him deeper into the dance floor and pulled him close to his body, closer to him than he had been to Boyoung.
Jimin's nervous body had instantly relaxed and he let out a relieved sigh, "Ggukie, how much longer do we have to stay here?" Jimin asked quietly.
Jeongguk hummed, his hand tightening around the youngers waist, "soon baby" he replied back with a smile.
The prince leaned in to whisper into the omega's ear but Jimin misunderstood and thought he was leaning in for a kiss.
Their lips had only just missed each other's and Jimin was surprised when he felt the olders lips against this earlobe.
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