Chapter 28.

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We are seated at our 'usual' table from when Carol and I used to come here, with the waiter who usually serves us—thankfully there's no sign of barbie anywhere. I wouldn't cause a scene, but she angers me in an unusual way. Carol orders her ribs and convinces me to order the same, since according to her they are 'the best ribs ever' and she has some majorly intense cravings.

"Don't you want to find out the gender even a little?" I ask her, knowing she said she wanted it to be a surprise.

"Nope. I want it to be a secret until she or he is here." she smiles as she rubs her stomach gently.

"I can't wait." I say encouragingly.

"Neither can I." she beams in return.

"You'll finally have your two babies." I tell her enthusiastically, knowing she's always wanted two children.

"Mar, I've had two babies ever since Isabella was born." she grins and I do too, knowing her comment was referring to me and how she sees me as a daughter—just as I see her as a second mother.

"Thank you." I smile warmly and place my hand on top of hers, which now rests on the table.

"For what?"

"Everything. I don't know where I'd be without you, really, I wouldn't have come this far on my own." I tell her sincerely and notice her eyes becoming glassy.

"Are you crying?" I gape.

"Hormones." she chuckles and squeezes my hand.

"The very same applies to you, Mar. You wont ever have to be without me - so don't worry about that." she smiles through her tears, holding out her pinky as we lock it and do our special promise.

"No more soppy stuff, okay? My hormones can't take it." she jokes and we both share a laugh.

"So.. Mason." a cheeky grin appears on her face as she speaks.

"What about him?" I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Don't 'what about him' me!" she heckles.

"Can we talk about how utterly head over heels he is for you?" she teases with her eyebrow raised.

"Shut up!" I whine, resting my head on the table.

She shrugs her shoulders. "On a serious note, though—you two are a perfect, Mar."

"We fight all the time." I chuckle.

"And find me a couple that doesn't." she says smugly, lifting her brow.

"You're more similar than you both realise, that's why you fight so much. You're both stubborn and headstrong, but equally as infatuated with the other. You challenge each other." Carol tells me as she picks up a breadstick from the centre of the table.

"We aren't even official yet." I groan.

"Because you're both stubborn." she throws her hands up dramatically.

"Give it time." she adds to soften the blow and I nod along.

Our food arrives and it's delicious, Carol almost cried with happiness when her eyes met the plate of ribs that was sat in front of her, hormones. It took us almost an hour to even eat because we couldn't shut up. This is the first time her and I have had any alone time this weekend, or in a while, really—it's beyond refreshing.

"Would you like any dessert?" the waiter chirps as he removes our plates.

"Yes." Carol interrupts before I have the chance to utter the words 'I'm full'.

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