Chapter 58.

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Amara's POV:

"What?" I gasp, my words barely audible.

"You're fucking joking, right?" Mason snaps angrily.

"No, not at all," the man shrugs nonchalantly. He's taller than I expected, olive skin, dark green eyes that are full of darkness, and a stubbled face. He's dressed head to toe in black; a black shirt and pants, accompanied by a black long coat. His dark brown hair is gelled back against his face, with the smallest section falling upon his forehead. His whole look is intimidating.

"What do you mean?" I ask sheepishly.

"I want you, Miss Amara—to come and work for me." he smiles pitilessly.

"I would never work for you." I spit, terror building up inside of me.

"I thought you'd say that," he sighs, taking a step forward, "Which is why I have a little... ultimatum for you." he smirks, his gaze shifting hatefully to Mason who stands in front of me.

"Either you come and work for me again, until you pay off your debt—or I have Amara." he tilts his head, his expression blank as though he was asking a simple order. I feel my stomach turn.

"You're fucking insane, you think I'd ever let her anywhere near this shit?" Mason raises his voice.

"You think you'd have a choice? I have men that could find her in a millisecond, Mason." he chuckles heartlessly.

"You didn't find me." Mason challenges.

"You think so? Mason, if I wanted to find you I would have—and when I did, well, here you are." he looks at us condescendingly.

"I could have her whenever I want her." he whispers against Mason's ear, his hand gripping his shirt once more.

"You're a sick fuck, you know that?!" Mason screams, his arm acting tightly as a barrier between the smug man and me.

"Why would you want that?" I whimper, "What has that got to do with Mason's debt?" I barely whisper, the words burning like battery acid as they pass my lips.

"Because he doesn't care about the debt," Mason scoffs, the sound of realisation filling his voice. "You don't, do you? You only care about ruining my life, and you know that she is my life." his voice cracks as his grip on me tightens.

"You clever, clever boy." the tormenting voice whispers. He throws his head back in laughter once more.

"He knows that I would never let him touch you, that I would die before I let them even put their hands on you, there's no ultimatum at all—it's a threat. That's what it comes down to, isn't it?" he addresses me, and then him, his stare remaining set on the intimidating figure in front of us. My chest aches as he speaks and I fight back the tears. We'll figure this out.

"I took business from him and now he's hurting me the only way he knows he can," he pauses painfully, "You."

I close my eyes momentarily to stop the tears.

"He knows that you're the only thing in this world I care about and he's playing on it, just like I fucking knew he would."

This has been Mason's fear since the first day I asked him if we were friends. All that time ago. I convinced him, over and over, time after time that it was irrational—and now here they are, doing just as Mason told me they would. Tearing us apart.

"How long is a while?" I speak up, almost choking on my words.

"What?" the man furrows his brow.

"How long would Mason spend paying off the debt?" I ask, my breath unsteady.

"Not long," he leans forward, "But after he joins me, he won't want to come home to you, principessa." his taunting voice whispers next to me.

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