Chapter 35.

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Amara's POV:

"Stop hogging the radio!" Mason whines as he frantically fumbles around trying to change the station.

"No! It's my birthday, let me live." I groan as I slap his hand away, trying to focus on the road.

He scoffs, "I let you listen to your music on the way here, it's my turn." he retorts as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"Oh, shut up." I laugh, "You sound like a child! It was like a five minute drive!"

"Don't make me take back my gift." he raises his brow as he pokes the necklace hanging from my neck.

"Over my dead body." I pout, elbowing him in the side.

"That could be arranged." he winks playfully.

"Whatever, princip-" the music blares above my comment as he slams his hand onto the volume, what a baby.

As I approach my house I notice Jake's car, and Jess'.. and more parked along the road to my house. What the hell? I stop the car outside and turn to Mason.

"Did you know about this?" I mutter sharply. My words don't even process in his mind as I follow his hateful eyes to Jake's car. I guess he didn't know either.

"Come on." I sigh as I climb out.

"Behave, okay?" I shake my head as I open the door. My eyes widen as I see my living-room full of people. My mom, Carol, Izzy, Jess, Becca, Jake, Matt.. Elijah? I try my best to act happy to see them all. I don't want to be ungrateful, but I didn't want this.

"Wow, you're all here." I say awkwardly as I try my best to shake off my surprise.

"Happy birthday!" Jess says with an 'I'm sorry' look on her face. Who's idea was this?

"Happy birthday, Mar." Jake smiles and I almost instantly feel Mason's hand in mine. I hold back the smirk that wants to fight it's way onto my face, it's not the time.

I make my way around to thank people for coming, even though all I wanted was to go to bed. I notice Elijah making his way over to me with the bright smile he always wears on his face.

"Happy birthday." he says as he pulls me into a gentle embrace, I'm instantly greeted with the sweet smell of his cologne and awkwardly return the gesture. He's so harmlessly kind, everybody adores him. He's the type of big brother everybody wants.

"Thank you, Elijah." I smile warmly. "What are you doing here?" I ask, before realising how rude I sounded.

"Shit, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant-"

I'm cut off by him chuckling with a forgiving grin on his face, "It's okay, Amara. I know what you meant, stop worrying."

"I gave Matt a ride, I was with him when he said he was coming over, I decided to stick around and say happy birthday." he says kindly, pushing his hair back from his face. "I hope you don't mind, I can head out if you like?"

"No, it's okay. Stay." I assure him before I see Jake approaching us. Elijah's eyes follow mine and he sighs, "I'll talk to you later, I'm going to go find Mason." he tells me. I guess Mason wasn't the only one with a Jake problem.

"Hey, birthday girl." he says vibrantly.

"Hey." I reply, the phrase sounded nothing like it did when Mason said it.

"You kept quiet about this, huh?" he chuckles.

"Yeah, I did." I silently cringe.

"Here." he smiles as he hands me an envelope.

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