Chapter 16

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Ellie's POV

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Ellie's POV

Shopping, I love it. Or I thought I did because shopping with Kelsey and Mav has really made me consider my options for my next step of action. Jump off the third floor and hope for the best or hand myself with the dress that they are shoving in my face. Honestly both sound appetising and I-

"Girl! Are you even listening to us?" Mav shrieked in my face.

"Honestly I tuned you guys out on the second floor"

"But we are now on the third"


"Enough!" Kelsey yelled and ripped the ugly ass dress from my hands. Why did I even have it in the first place?

"Eleanor" she begun.

"Uh-uh only Billie calls me that" I shook my head.

"Whatever" she waved her hands around "the homecoming dance is only a week away and you don't even have a dress yet! Your first American dance needs to be amazing!"

"Preach sis" Mav fist bumped Kels.

"I don't even know if I'm going, Billie hasn't asked, and I turned down all the guys who asked me anyways" which is true, plus Billie doesn't seem like the type of person who would be down for a high school dance.

"Not the attitude I was looking for" she struck my head with her hand. Ow.

"I know for a fact that Billie would love to take you, hell I even caught her attempting to buy two tickets but chickened out, which I didn't let her hear the end of. She doesn't know if you wanna go because your dumb ass hasn't said anything about it"

"But that's because every time I bring it up, I'm telling her about the guy I turned down" I shrugged and looked at some dresses.

"Are you kidding me? You've literally told her you don't wanna go!"

"What? How?" I asked confused.

"Is she serious?" Mav looked at Kels who muttered "unbelievable"

"Babe do I have to spell it out for you?" I stared at her with a blank expression.

"Apparently so... By telling Billie you turned those guys down, you were sending her signals that you don't wanna go!"

"That's ridiculous! I was sending signals that I didn't want to go with those guys, and I wanted her to ask me"

"Why couldn't you ask her though?"

Huh, why didn't I just ask Billie?

"I dunno, never really thought about it I guess" I shrugged and continued looking "guess I'll bring it up tonight"

Exchange// Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now