Reader x Hewlett (Part One)

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[A/N] By request I proudly present a story where in this one you are Abe's younger sister and become in love with the man named Hewlett.

This also ended up being much longer than intended so expect part two soon.

I hope you like it a lot! Enjoy! ♥️


"Why don't you bite me in the arse?" Abe grumbles at Caleb.

"Abe, things are changing. We can do this." you walk over to Caleb and hug him, then turn to face your brother. "Look at this face, beard and all, he needs us Abe." you make the puppy eyes that always made your older brother Abraham give in. 

"Just this once and I'm done."

Abe was not just going to spy once and be done. You knew your brother.

He was pulled into a world of lies, and so forth were you. You and Abe fell into this world and there was no turning back. Especially for you.

You were more deep then you expected, you often traveled to the near by towns to sell your potatoes. You heard gossip a lot in these towns but never got anything solid, but you did when a red coat was drunk and spoke his words very loudly. The British were planning on bringing in soldiers from Germany, Hessian soldiers but it couldn't be confirmed, just a strong plan they had in mind.

You often visited your father, even though there was distance between the two of you because you left to become a farmer like Abe and often took Abe's side on things; and so forth Abe took yours. You also never found a proper husband, you had some potential men begging for your hand but they never interested you. You would find a way to get them to leave you alone, like you were too poor or you pretended to be not that smart. You didn't understand why you weren't interested in the men of Setauket, but there was one person that sparked your interest.

The Major.

You remembered the first time you saw him, he came in in a red coat and he had this bold and elegant movement to him, he had a book in his hand that was clearly about the starts, you knew then that he was smart and just as quickly noticed he was a gentlemen. For the first time you had felt those feelings, the feelings people often describe as the feeling of being in love, but he was a red coat.

You pushed your feelings aside and later on became a spy with your brother. You often would hang out at your old home, White Hall. You would see him, you wanted to get information from him but you got nervous around him and you quickly run out of the conversation. You would only stop by to talk to your father, Abe usually was with you, doing something. Abe often just distracted your father and got all the attention.

You had no luck selling potatoes in the next town over and they all spoiled quickly, the same maggots afflicting your potatoes were afflicting Abe's cabbage. You walked into Setauket and made your way to White Hall. You were hungry and didn't have enough money for food, you just had to sneak some bread from the kitchen.

When you walked in Mary was there, setting up the table for breakfast.

"Mary? What are you doing here?" you spoke confused.

"Didn't you hear? Our home was burned by rebels." She replied.

"Yeah, a lot happened whilst you were away." Abe came in with some bread in his hand and mouth. You took some from his hand.

"A lot?" You ask.

"Indeed, you missed a visit from Ben and Caleb. An unwelcome visit." Mary sighed and looked at Abe. She then looked at you. "You should know, 733." Mary spat.

Turn: Washington's Spies: HamiltonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang