Who am I, truly?

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Obscruo point of view...

Obscruo point of view

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(Ignore Cinder...she is dead for real)

I am now in the meeting room with Salem. Apparently, she has no idea why Cinder had not return, and believed that I know what has happened to her. In all honesty...I do.

The person that has made me has white skin and hair, with red vein-like markings showing. She has black eyeballs and blood-red eyes. She is wearing a black dress, with a stern expression. This is my leader, Salem. Or at least, supposedly. I know that there is another leader stronger than her, but she is well at hiding this from us all. After a moment of silence, Salem than finally spoke out loud.


Her voice is deep, like a hole ready to suck the like out of any living being before her.

"Yes? What is it, my Mistress?"

I than spoke out to her. She than look at me with a rather emotionless expression that is present now.

"I need to know where Cinder is. She is supposed to come back from the destruction of Beacon. You know better than everyone else here."

I looked down a bit, unsure if I should tell her or not, but than I made my mind up and spoke out to her.

"She is dead."

Everyone, even Mercury looked in surprise. But Salem was not looking surprised.

"What?! Dead?! How is she dead?! She is supposed to be more powerful than us, except for Salem."

Mercury spoke and pointed out to us. I than spoke out.

"Sans was able to get the third Elemental Orb and absorbed it into his body. It was has enough power to summon a new weapon and allowed him to kill Cinder. But...what I felt towards Sans...it was a different aura."

Salem than looked interested.

"How is Sans' aura...different?"

I than looked at her with a rather serious look. Normally, I would grin. But there is something wrong here.

"His aura...it has changed. It felt as though that Sans was no present here. It felt so...old. Almost like it has been here for a million years. In fact...it felt that someone else was fighting Cinder. However, when the battle was beginning to end...he said his name to her."

Salem than has a unhappy look on his face.

"What is the name that he calls himself?"

I than looked at her, with a expression that give a her that it is not good news.


Salem looked surprised, but that clenched her fist very tightly, to the point of bleeding black liquid from her hands.

You Stare into the Abyss, and the Abyss stares back.Where stories live. Discover now