Preference • Meeting Your Parents

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Feels like it's been a while since I last updated lmao

Connor - on the outside, he seemed super chill about meeting your parents but you could tell inside, his systems were almost going haywire with the nerves. He was scared of disappointing them and being judged and you tried to convince him everything was going to be fine. In fact, your parents loved him. They loved the way he'd treat you like you were the only person that existed in the world asks to them, that made him the most worthy person of you.

Markus - your parents felt oddly privileged to meet such an iconic figure such as Markus, despite him leading a revolution against humans. However, your parents knew that if he could fight so hard for people (the androids)  he didn't even know that well, he'd fight even harder for you.

Kara - merely hearing about Kara enabled your parents to grow fond of her very quickly. When they met her, they felt like they'd known her forever due to her warm and kind nature. Your younger sister loved Kara too and her approval of Kara meant a lot to you too.

Gavin - both of you dreaded him having to meet your parents due to his surly, unfriendly nature. You knew you'd have a slightly hard task of convincing them that Gavin wasn't as bad as they thought. On the contrary, they took a liking to him. Gavin put away his obnoxiousness and became a different person, much like the kind man he became when he was with you. Your father especially liked him due to his work as a detective.

North - she was scared of meeting your parents as they were human and she was sceptical of how they'd treat her, knowing she was an android. Your parents treated her equally as they would treat you, even calling her their second daughter.

Luther - he instantly won your parents over with his caring personality. Your parents knew he'd be able to protect you from almost anything and that he'd always have your back, no matter what.

RK900 - he didn't admit it, but he was nervous to meet your parents, and quite rightly so. Your parents were slightly less warm towards him and observed him carefully. In fact, your father tried to scare Nines with his words and tried to see if he'd crack. But Nines remained adamant and proved his love for you which in turn, won over your parents.

Ralph - your parents kept staring at the scar across his face, even though you told them not to. But Ralph didn't think anything of it and explained to them what had happened. They found it odd that he spoke in the third person but they noticed he'd speak in the first person when referring to you and him together. They knew he was the most worthy person for you.

Kamski - your father already took a liking to Elijah due to his status and wealth. But you wanted your father to see past that and see Elijah for who he was, not his money. Sure enough, both parents got to know him and found out just how much he loved you.

Simon - his friendly nature obviously sat well with your parents and they were immediately convinced there was no one better for you than him. Your little sister even made a bracelet out of daisies for him as a welcoming present.

Josh - as he was quiet, your parents found it quite hard to get to know him fully. But slowly, he began to show his positive personality and soon became a favourite in the family.

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