• markus x reader •

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It's now Markus' turn to get jealous over you now lolololol

"If you don't mind me saying so, Miss, you're quite pretty." The SWAT soldier says, as he sips some strange looking drink out of a mug. I smile awkwardly.

"Thanks. I guess." I reply. I don't know how I ended up talking to a bunch of SWAT soldiers but I wish I wasn't here right now. My friend went to talk to her boyfriend, who unsurprisingly, was a member of the SWAT. She left me outside in the freezing cold to wait for her and she was taking her dear time.

"What's your name?" The same soldier asks.

"Y/N." I reply. I decide against giving my last name because I don't fancy the thought of possibly being stalked by some guy. If only Markus was here to make the situation less awkward. Actually, now I think about it, the situation would be worse. Since the revolution success, the authorities have no choice but to respect Markus and I can tell they don't enjoy doing so.

"My name's Tyler." The soldier says even though I didn't ask. I can't help but sigh loudly. What was F/N doing?

"It's quite cold out here." I mutter. Maybe making casual conversation will help time pass faster.

"You can have my jacket. Here, there you go." Tyler replies, putting his jacket around my shoulders even though I didn't ask. He seemed like he was about my age and looked like your typical athletic jock who'd crap on everyone that wasn't good enough for him. He was wearing casual clothes too; must have been his day off.

"Er, thanks." I mumble, feeling my cheeks hold up. No, I'm not blushing because I'm flattered by his gesture. I'm blushing because I feel even more awkward than I already did. Why couldn't F/N hurry up?

"So, Y/N. What do you work as?" Tyler asks.

"I'm actually a detective at the DPD." I reply. Oh, how I wished Markus would somehow know I was here and take me away from this situation. Mentioning my job actually makes me remember how Markus and I both met, when I had to accompany Connor to Jericho.

"Oh, cool! Maybe I might've seen you at some point. You know, during the revolution." Tyler replies, smiling. I weakly smile back at him and when he looks away, I roll my eyes.

"Maybe." I mutter.

"Actually, I think I would've noticed someone as pretty as you. Yes, I would've remembered." Tyler says, smirking. Oh dear lord. I didn't ask for this. I want to cry because of how awkward this is.

"I'm not that pretty." I laugh nervously.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Tyler asks. Wow, straight to the point.

Before I can answer, someone else replies for me.

"Yes, she does." The voice belongs to Markus and I almost want to do a victory dance then and there.

Markus' POV

Casually, I walk down the streets of Detroit, taking in the scenery of the lively and bustling streets. Today, I intended on going to see Y/N at work and surprise her. Then I notice her standing outside the police station with a guy and they're both smiling endlessly. Strange.

A few moments later, I notice the guy wrap his jacket around Y/N's shoulders and she smiles at him for doing so. If she was cold, I would've brought her her jacket at work. She didn't need to borrow some guy's jacket.

For some reason, I feel oddly annoyed by this. Y/N should be wearing my jacket, not his. Maybe I should march over there and let him know that she's taken and that she doesn't need his ugly jacket.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" I hear the guy say. He edges closer towards Y/N. Stay the hell away from her, I think to myself. She's mine, not yours.

"Yes, she does." I quickly interject as I reach them. Y/N looks up at me and smiles as bright as ever but I remain composed. Still, I can't get over how beautiful she looks while smiling.

"You're Markus, aren't you?" The guy asks.

"I am. Who are you?" I reply, raising an eyebrow to show that his existence is beneath me. At least, that's what I hope it shows.

"I'm Tyler. I work for the SWAT. Maybe you might've seen me during the revolution. Or maybe you saw some of my friends that got killed by your people." He says, fake smiling.

"I'm sorry about that." I reply calmly.

"You know what, I'm just gonna text F/N and tell her I don't want to wait for her anymore because she's taking too damn long." Y/N says, pulling out her phone.

"No need, Y/N. She'll be out soon. We were having a great conversation, weren't we?" Tyler says, sneering at me.

"Probably not greater than the conversations Y/N and I have on a day to day basis. We talk about so much, it's as if we could talk for days on end." I retort. Suddenly, I feel the need to inflate my ego. Y/N smirks at me.

"And what do you and Y/N talk about?" Tyler asks.

"Stuff that is absolutely none of your concern. Shall we leave, Y/N?" I ask.

"Yes, I think we should." Y/N replies, looking relieved. Just before we walk off, Tyler stands in my way.

"Excuse me." I mutter.

"I don't think Y/N should be with you. You're not good for her. You killed humans, remember? What's to say you're not gonna suddenly feel malicious towards her and kill her? Don't mind me, I'm just a fellow concerned citizen." Tyler says. I realise he's quite short and it almost makes me laugh.

Y/N sighs and rolls her eyes at him.

"Killing humans was never part of the agenda. You guys decided to retaliate, remember? We went about the whole thing peacefully. I would never ever hurt Y/N. I would die before I could ever hurt her, which is probably more than a feeble human like you could. Humans are far more predictable than androids, my friend." I reply.

"I'm not your friend." Tyler says, gritting his teeth.

"I'm sorry about the people you lost during the revolution. I lost people too. But I don't carry hate in my heart for your kind. Could the same be said about you?" I say.

Tyler remains silent and Y/N tugs my arm, gesturing that we should leave.

"You can do better than an android, Y/N. Just putting it out there." Tyler says, still looking at me.

"I think Y/N is capable of making her own decisions. It was nice talking to you but we have places to be." I say, smirking at the end. I let Y/N pull me along with her and leave Tyler standing there looking dumbfounded.

"Was that a bit of jealousy I saw?" Y/N says after a while.

"Of course not! Maybe. Who does he think he is? He's not worthy enough of you. Maybe I'm not but I'm better than him at least. I hope." I say uncertainly.

"Of course you're better than him, way better." Y/N replies, kissing me on the lips.

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