Request • Connor Part 1

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Requested by kanatoandTaddy hope you like it x

Every single time I go to a party, I end up regretting it. Something always happens to make me wish I'd never gone. There's an odd thing about parties; they strangely draw you in no matter how reluctant you are, you'll still go anyway.

Foolishly, I decided I'd take Connor to his first party. We'd been together for a year and a friend was having a party so we thought: what better way to celebrate our anniversary? Looking back, who in their right mind would spend their first anniversary with their boyfriend at a party?

"It'll be fun, Y/N. It'll be like our old high school days, remember?" My friend Tia says.

"We're twenty two not sixteen. Those high school days were over six years ago." I mutter.

"It's your anniversary with Connor, right?" Tia asks.

"Yes. Why?" I reply.

"If you're not doing anything for it, I suggest you bring him to the party. If you want to, that is. At least you'll have someone there." Tia suggests. She has a look on her face which shows that if I don't attend this party, she may be cross with me.

"Fine." I finally agree, stupidly enough.

When I told Connor, he seemed happy about getting to experience something new on our anniversary. I had hoped deep down that maybe he wouldn't want to go and that he'd want to do something else instead.

"I think it'll be great. I'd get to experience a typical high school thing of sorts." Connor says.

"You sure?" I ask.

"I'm positive. Anyway, as long as I'm with you, I don't mind where I go." Connor says.

The day of the party, I decide to dress in a standard short black dress and I pile on the makeup. Connor wore casual clothes and it was nice to see him in something other than the usual shirt and tie. Not that I didn't like the shirt and tie, because I thought he looked pretty good in it.

"You look amazing as usual, Y/N. Happy first anniversary." Connor says when he picks me up. He kisses me on the cheek and then on the lips.

"Shall we go?" I ask and he nods.

The whole drive to Tia's house, I feel oddly nervous. I have that gut feeling something will happen to ruin the night. Either I'm just being pessimistic or I had the right feeling all along. Looking back, it seems the latter was correct.

When we arrive, the party is in full swing and a happy Tia greet us at the door. Already, people are stumbling around, drunk out of their senses. I'm not surprised but I see Connor's expression turn quizzical.

"The alcohol levels in here are more than five times the legal limit. By rights, this shouldn't even be happening." Connor says quietly to me.

"This is normal, don't worry." I laugh.

We walk into the living room where people are chatting and drinking away. We sit on the sofa, next to a couple who seem very absorbed in each other.

"So this is what a party is like." Connor says.

"Pretty much, yeah." I reply.

"You don't plan on drinking, do you?" Connor asks.

"Maybe just one. I'll get one now actually, I'll be back." I say. I feel bad for leaving him on the sofa alone next to that couple but it would be a hassle for both of us to wade through the crowd.

As I grab a drink, my friend Issac finds me and begins chatting away to me. I don't realise how much time I spend with him but we're having a good enough conversation. Since I haven't seen Issac in ages, I linger in this area with him to catch up, although I'm wary of Connor who I left behind.

"You look stunning, Y/N." Issac says.

"Thank you." I reply. Issac places his hand on my shoulder all of a sudden and it makes me jerk back suddenly.

"Perhaps I should go back to Connor." I laugh awkwardly.

As I walk back, I see Connor standing up and talking to people, one of them being this girl who looks like she's trying too hard. Then I notice him frowning at me as I walk over.

Connor stays deep in conversation with this girl and I'm slightly confused as to why he keeps frowning at me every now and then.

"Sorry I took so long." I apologise when I finally get there. I don't realise it, but I stand at a distance from Connor and the girl.

"Who was that?" Connor asks.

"Who was who?" I reply. The girl scoffs at me and I frown at her.

"The boy who you were just exchanging smiles and laughing with. The boy who just stroked your shoulder." Connor mutters. I notice the girl raising her eyebrows at me and this time, I fully glare at her. Can she leave?

"That was just my friend Issac. I haven't seen him in so long and I didn't realise I spent too long talking to him. Sorry again." I reply.

"Looked like you were flirting." The girl says.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"If you weren't flirting with him, why didn't you move away. You clearly looked like you were enjoying yourself with this guy. While your boyfriend was waiting." The girl says.

"This isn't any of your business, whoever you are, not that I care enough to ask for your name." I retort.

"She's got a point." Connor says.

"Sorry? What do you mean? I was just talking to a friend." I reply as calmly as possible. I shouldn't have to justify myself, should I? It's not like I actively reached out towards Issac. If Connor couldn't see that I wasn't flirting back then I didn't know what to do.

"Well it looked very suspicious. I didn't know friends talked and leaned into each other like that." Connor says, his voice slightly raised in volume. The girl smirks.

"Well if you'd both been paying attention, you would've noticed that I actually moved away from him. But sure, jump to conclusions." I say, sighing. I don't get why Connor is suddenly so weird towards me. I can't help feeling like the girl said something to him to change his mind. What would she even gain?

"I'm not jumping to conclusions. I know what I saw. My brain works better than that of a normal human. I know things before people know it themselves." Connor says.

"Well this time, your highly advanced, superior, top class android brain is wrong. What's up with you, Connor?" I ask.

"A lot of things." Connor mutters. I frown at him this time.

Then before I can react, the girl suddenly leans in and kisses him.

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