About His life.

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So there he was ,in his boxers with messy hair .Even though he was barely awake you could tell that he was one charming guy.Well he looked Innocent like a child while he was asleep,But only when he was awake and with his senses on you could very well judge that he was the most annoying jerk anyone woul ever come across.


Augustus James Cyrus.

He loved with his mother Andrea ,Who was a very successful Buisnesswoman and had Provided Augustus with all the comforts of life that he wanted which had made him a complete spoilt bratt.

He Spent most of his time hitting on hot chicks and the rest of the time Bunking school and Partying.

According To him he had this Perfect Kick - Ass life any Teen Would Want .

But still he missed a few things.

His Dad.

He Never talked About his dad.

His Mother would'nt be around that much.

So He kept himself Busy in Stuff Like Girls and Parties.

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