chapter 34

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Samantha was about to enter the operation room in an hour or so.
She was standing at the reception filling her agreement forms.
She had slight tears in her light brown eyes.Anyone seeing her would think that it's the pain of getting her child aborted. BUT NO! She had a much more stronger reason to feel the pain.
Loosing someone you've loved since a long time is hard.You can hardly overcome and move on.
Her hands were shaking, they just shaked too hard for her to get control of herself. While this, tears were steaming out of her eyes continously. She now realised that she was too alone and broken without Her love,Without her Partner.
She needed him more then anybody could need him.
She paused for a second and went and sat down at the bench nearby.
She put her head in her hands and bursted into tears. She still trembled.
As she was sitting there so alone she felt a arm holding her, she didn't needed to see who it was.She knew who it was.
She took her head out from her hands and hugged him.
That Hug explained how much both of them had been mising each other.
"I'm so stupid, how could I trust jack and not Trust you?How could I ever doubt a perosn who saw the worst parts of me and still continued loving me.I'm sorry. I'm just so soryy. I feel as if someone took my heart and took half of it and put the rest half into my chest. And the thing is that, that half part continues to ache.And this ache causes so much pain that this half part just wishes that it'd find the other part soon enough so that the ache would go away.That They become one heart again and not pieces. ",She said while stupidly crying.
Augustus Took hold of her soft chin with his hand and Looked into Sam's Eyes.He smiled and Pushed Her hair behinhd her Ear.And then smiled and kissed her on her Forehead.
"Well,We should probably be heading home love,my baby won't like His mother being so upset, eh?",He said.
Samantha smiled and blushed.
"And Even Just incase you Forgot my Love, We have a wedding coming next week. We've got a hell lotta work to do.",He said.
He stood up and So did Samantha.
Augustus Held her hand and they Walked.

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