Chapter 14 - Second Date

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I opened my eyes, Looked at my clock!  Shit!!!  It was 10 already, I had to meet him at 11!  I have to get ready fast and now! 
So I jumped out of the bed, I was so confused what to do.
So first, I went to the Bathroomm  Took a quick Shower and Dried my hair.
After that I went to my cupboard and took out my favourite Red and Black crop top and my Denim Shorts, I wore those fasts and then put my Black flipflops on! Yeah I could wear heals but I wanted to be comfortable in whatever I wear. I Had absolutely no time for breakfast and since we were meeting at chilli's so It was very obvious that we would eat something over there. SO I took my handbag,some money and my car keys. It was 10:46 already!  Dammit, it takes 10 mins from my house to Reach chilli's so I guess I'll make it on time.
I sat in my car and started driving!  The roads were empty so I reached 5 mins before. I parked my car and got out of it and tried to fix my hair once more. You know we girl's can never be happy with our hair,we have a habbit of fixing it in every few minutes. Well since I was a girl I tooo wanted my hair to look perfect!
So I walked in and Saw Augustus sitting on table 12, I went there and saw that he had his head down. Honestly!  If you look a person with his head down in a Restaurant with absolutely no moment anyone would think that he's dead. But I knew he wasn't, so I silently sat next to him and called on his cellphone.
He was such a lazy jerk that he took his phone out from his pocket and put it on his ear with his head down only.
"Hey Sam! Where are you babe? Iv been waiting for you like forever!", He said Sleepingly.
"Well baby You know what I'm at this restaurant named chilli's,Sitting on this table numbered 12 with a sleeping guy!", I said.
He suddenly jumped up and I guess he died with a shock when he saw me there sitting right next to him.
He felt so funny then.! I knew it.
He moved slightly towards me and kissed me on the cheek and said "Goodmorning MY ass!"
"Goodmorning Sleepy jerk ",I said.

AUGUSTUS -  You look beautiful!
anyways I ordered us some breakfast. I'm hungry as hell.

ME - Same.I'm starving!

He was wearing this Grey tee with a black leather jacket and blue denims.His hair was kinda messed up but he still looked Gorgeous.

AUGUSTUS - Will our food be severed today?
ME- I don't!

AUGUSTUS - Do me favour?  When the food comes, kindly wake me up.

He said so and then he put his head in my lap and fell asleep or I should say he pretended to sleep.

I was laughing, he was tickling my stomach constantly.
ME - AUGUSTUS!  stopp pleaseeee!!
I was still laughing, I felt ticklish.

AUGUSTUS - Hahah What?  I didn't do anything!
As I was laughing with my head down he pulled my face down towards his face and kissed me. Whenever we kissed, it was never a short one.
So as we had our lips glued to each other's the waiter suddenly appears with the food.
"Ahem Ahem! YOU guys can eat each other later and eat your breakfast first. ",He said.
I lifted myslef up and Augustus came out of my lap and sat straight.
"Sure, Thankyou!, He said.
There was so much Food on the table.
2 Banana Smoothies, Sausages, Bacon and Eggs,  Pancakes.
We ate and ate and ate.
And finally the Food was finished.
And then we went to parking lot, As I was walking Augustus was walking right behind me. And all of a sudden he grabs My waist and puts his face on my neck.
I must admit Ioved the fact that he always used to surprise me with him random kisses and hugs.
After grabbing my waist he came forward and whispered into my ear," Believe me when I tell you Samantha! I don't know why but all these years I felt as if I was lost, as if I was just existing. But since yesterday I'm feeling alive. I feel like finally I have found something that iv been looking for since so long! "
After saying this he moved a bit back.I looked into his eyes and then he held my head and kissed my forehead.
"Iloveyou Augustus Cyrus! ",I said.
I can't express how much those words he said meant to me.

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