Author's nOte

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Hey all You Beautiful People out there.xx

Well thanks for the 156 Views.

I'm amazed.

Cause I started writing this Fiction like 2 Weeks ago and it turns out that you people are liking it.

I love You all For your Support.

So about the story -

Samantha has changed.

And the ghosts and fear from her past are haunting her present.

As you would've read that Augustus and Samantha Broke up in the previous chapter.

Well Let's see if things are gonna get settled! Will Smanatha improve herself and be herself once again,or is there any new twist in the story.

We shall know, but for that you've gotta keep reading.

You can also leave a comment on a cheaper and tell me what parts of the story you're liking the most and also comment to tell me any views that you think deserve to be aware of.  :)

I'd appreciate that.

Much love xx

Goodnight People

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