Chapter 10 - Planning For Prom

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so the next day some of the girls from Drama club decided to go shopping for prom after School and I Was a part of The plan Because honestly I didn't have much of Fancy Clothes, So Shopping seemed to be a good idea.
So school was quite boring today, Jack didn't show up today as he was sick.Poor guy!  And I saw Augustus a couple of times but None of us cared anymore To talk or say hi.
So I was happy that after such a boring and annoying day at school I was gonna go shopping and have fun.
So Sarah Drove me and Lilly to this Amazing Store named "Estee¥" and as soon as we three entered the Store I could shout out loud that I was purely in love with that place.They had the most stunning qnd absolutely Gorgeous Dresses that weren't Too expensive Either. So we went in and an employee named "Perk" Helped us To fetch some Good Dresses.
First Sarah and Lilly tried some Amazing Gowns,I must Say they looked Perfect on them. AND then it was my Turn so Perk advised me to try this beautiful black coloured Gown With some Beautiful embroidery on it and a Golden ribbon style belt With it.So I went into the Trial Room Wore the Dress and came out.Sarah stood their With her Mouth wide Open saying that I looked absolutely beautiful in it.I was looking at Myslef in the Mirror and as Iooked a bit sideways I couldn't believe Augustus Cyrus was standing there Trying some Formal Suits on,He was Looking at. He had this smile on his face as if he was admiring me,And he didn't even realise that I knew he was looking at me.And then suddenly He did realise that saw him looking at me with that sweet smile. I Passed a smile to him and then he came to me and said "Um Hey, I'm sorry I was just you know I was just... ",He said confusingly.
"Yeah I know, "I said.
"You look Beautiful ",He said.
I thanked him and told him I had to go and pay for the dress and so Sarah bought this Golden dress, Lilly a short Silver dress with A Deep neck and I bought the black Gown. We payed for our dresses and then we left, Before leaving the store I saw Augustus still Looking at me.
YOU know it's just so confusing me for me sometimes. Yesterday he was so Rude to me and today at the store he was so different, he looked at me as if I was the most beautiful thing in the world. To be honest I felt so happy and pleasured when he was looking at me with his absolutely Gorgeous smile. How could I forget what suit he was wearing?  IT Was a black suit with a red tie and matched his complexion and personality really well. FOR a second I thought wouldn't it be perfect if we both could go to the Prom together?  but then I had to get out of my Fantasy world and remind myslef that he would never ask a girl like me to The prom I mean he has far better options,"Hotter Options ".
Another Night Thinking about him. Another night wasted I guess.
I went to this store to try on some outfits for the Prom with The boys.
I had to go to the Prom, It was fun You know.We were there since 3 hours but Ronald was being so selectively fussy about the type of suit he wanted to wear to prom. So finally When his Drama was over I tried a black suit with a red tie, Yea it kinda suited me then I saw a bunch of girls from our school, Samantha! I guess she was out shopping too.she went into the Trial Room and came out wearing this Stunning Black dress, she Looked Ahh.... What can I say? No words can express how gorgeous she looked in that Dress.For a few minutes I kept looking at her unaware of the fact that she caught me looking at her, I suddenly put my eyes away from her But I couldn't control myslef and walked up to her to say hi.
I told her she looked beautiful!
"Thankyou! ",she said.
"You look Good Tooo!",she said after a few minutes.
For 2 minutes or so we both kept looking at each other, I could see in her eyes that she was thinking about saying something but was hesitant. She said she had to go pay, so she went and paid for her dress and then left the store. I was still looking at her, For the fist time I felt like she had a thing for me I saw it in her eyes.
Finally all the Boys had something to wear to the Prom, so we Paid and left as well.
That Night, I couldn't get Sam Out of mind.As if everything was playing in my mind.How beautiful she looked, Her beautiful eyes,Her hesitation, everything was in my mind the whole night.
Also I thought that Maybe I could ask her to the Prom, because she told me that she wasn't Dating that Jack Guy so she can go to the Prom with me. That won't be big of an issue.
I still had only one day to ask her to the Prom and that was tomorrow.
So I guess I will.

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