11 Chapter - Prom Tomorrow

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I was standing there in the corridor waiting for Jack. And finally after such a long wait he came and I hugged him tightly, I missed My Bestfrnd so much you know.!
We walked to the English class together and then he sat next to me.
I realised it's Prom tomorrow and no one had asked me, And honestly it wasn't too nice to show up at the prome alone.
So while we were sitting Jack asked me who I was goin with.
"NO one till Now!",I said.
He told me that all the guy's are picked By now and if I wanted he could Go to the Prom with me.
It wasn't a bad option either,I thought go myslef and then I said okay! Ill come with you.
"Perfecto!",He said.
Then after the lesson I had to go The Drama Club.
I was sitting alone and Mrs Smith wasn't present today so we were given Free time to sit in the Auditorium to  Prepare an act.But no one did that Everyone was just chatting around with their friends.
As I was sitting Augustus came and sat next to me.
"Hey.. SUP?",HE SAID.
"Bored", I replied.
"Um so I wanted to you know ask if you'd like to hit the Prom with me? ",he asked.
Augustus Cyrus asked me to the Prom.
I was so happy obviously I wanted to go with him and said " Yess,I'd love to!! "
He gave me a cheerful smile and said " Great!"
But then I realised that I had promised Jack that I'd go with him and I can't say no to him no and then just a second later I said, "No,I'm sorry I can't I already promised Jack that I'd go with him plus he asked before! "
" Oh",he said.
I could see the disappointment on his face. He suddenly turned sad.
But he tried not to show it.
And got Up and walked away from me.
Of course he was angry, I could make out that very well.
"Augustus wait! ",I called him.
He didn't even turn back he was so hurt, I knew.
J just knew.

She does this.
Like always, a yes and then a no.
Wow! I don't know why but first time I could actually feel pain,Real pain! I was about to break down infront of her but somehow I controlled and went from there.I could hear her calling me from behind but I never turned back to talk to her.I just walked and went out of there. A part of me was hurt Badly and I knew it.At first I didn't wanted to go to the Prom but then I decided not to care about her anymore and go to The prom.
I decided to show up alone because I never wanted to go with anyone else except her but one you're in the Prom you actually do get one or the other chick to Enjoy with. So I guess I'll just let it be that way.

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