Chapter 15- Second Date

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So we had a small talk and decided that we would go to this Bar one of my friend owned. It was named "Drunken~".
I must Say that it was the perfect place to get Drunk, You know!
And honestly I did wanted Samantha to get a Bit drunk and tell me things that she actually Feels for Me.Or maybe I just wanted to see her Crazy part that comes out after getting Drunk!
So since we had two cars I called up My Driver Samule and told him to pick the car up from the parking lot so that me And Samantha Could go together!
When Samule Took My car back home, I told Samantha To let me drive as I knew the way..
So while I was driving I observed a lot of things in her car.Her car was a mess,I must Say.But it was Cute mess, You know. ;)
I also got to know that she loved Taylor Swift's music.Well,I never get why most of these teenage girls are so in love with Taylor Swift? And I guess I'll never know.
So after 15 mins of Drive, We Reached the Bar.During the whole Drive Samantha was so busy Sleeping!Well he had such a heavy breakfast so sleeping after it was justified. It was very hard to concentrate on driving while she was asleep because I was so in love with the Innocence she had while sleeping! I parked the car and finally she woke up by herself and then we both got out of the car!
"Was I snoring? ",she asked With a tensed Face.
"Ohh well Yea, You snore so much! Gosh.",I said.
"No I don't! ",She said.
"I know You're Just Lying You ass!",She said again.
I laughed and then she Punched me slightly in my stomach. IiKed to tease her a lot.
So we entered the bar and waiter Took us to our table.
He asked for our order.
ME- Well,I'm gonna have one Martini.I Like my liquor Hard I sai!So Samantha What you're gonna have? Coke maybe!
SAMANTHA- excuse me?You think I don't Drink or something? Ofcourse I drink. I'll Have one Vodka.
ME-Hhahhaah.No kids Don't have Vodka Babe.She'll have one coke Please.

SAMANTHA-Oh boy,You shouldn't have done that.

ME-Done what?

SAMANTHA - You think I can't handle Liquor?
ME-  I believe you Cannot.

SAMANTHA- So let's have a challenge You Jerk. Up for it?

ME- okay Kid,I'm Up for it.

So she ordered 23 vodka shots,I mean wtf? 23?
I knew she could never Have So much of vodka!No one can!
So after 5 Mins The waiter came up with our order and a plate full of lemons.He kept it on the table and left.
After which Samantha Distributed the liquor. 11 shots by her side and 11 by mine.
"So Big Guy,Here's the Challenge! first We've gotta finish our 11 shots each and then the one who drinks the last shot that I kept in between first, That persons wins.Got it Jerk? ",She said.
"Samantha,Don't forget Do you Even  have the capacity of this much of alcohol? ", I warned her.
"Yes,Now let's Get Started Big boy ",She said.
So we both began, I had one shot then another then another and then another damn one.But it was just Too much You know!!I had just gulped down 6 shots till now and when I had a look at Samantha I was stunned. She was done with 10 shots already. THE girl had capacity, I thought to myslef. While I was still stuck on my 8th Vodka shot, she was on her 12th. The one she had kept in between. I don't know what came in her mind that she walked to my side of the table, Came and sat in my lap with both her legs wide open across me and then said "Augustus Cyrus, Now you should know that Your Girlfriend ain't a kid! Get It you?"
I could very well seee that the liquor had gotten her.She obviously lost control of herself now!
"Baby You're okay?", I asked.
Obviously I was worried about her!
She was still sitting in my lap with her head on my Shoulders.
"Yess I'm FINE Big boy!!!",she said in a weird voice.
"We're goin Home love",I said.
I paid and then we left!
Since she was so drunk I had to carry her all the way to the car.
Then I made her sit into the car and suddenly I heard her phone ringing.
I took the phone out of her pocket and Answered it.
"Hello? Samantha! ",A lady said.
"Umm hey I'm her Boyfriend!Who's this? ",I said.
"Its Emelia,I'm her dad's Co worker.I'm soryy Tell But her dad Had an Cardiac arrest and died 10 mins ago.Could You bring her to Prinston Hospital immediately?",she said.

What? I absolutely went Numb for a second. I was absolutely still, I didn't know what to do!How would I Tell her?
Moreover she wasn't in the condition to even talk.Shit.

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