chapter 26- Time to Say goodbye.

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I woke up at exactly 8 in the morning, usually when I woke up most of the time my phone screen would've been filled with Augustus's notifications. But today there was just nothing.
"I guess it's a Metaphor,
Things seem to just disappear When you Realise their worth "
I took a bath a long one,Got ready and sat on my bed again.I was just Staring at the walls.just Staring.
I guess I just wasn't ready To say Goodbye Yet, I guess I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the last rememberance of Daddy. I guess he's the reason why I'm still so attached to this place.
The door,
Whenever I looked at it I always had a vision of Dad walking through it.
The kitchen, whenever I touch the slap I feel Dad's warmth, the warmth he had while cooking for Me.
My mattress, the one he chose for me.
Everything in this house is strongly connected to him.
I don't wanna be away.
It's the only place where I feel the love of my father.
He passed Away  5 months ago and still the pain is no less.
It Gets hard everyday.
I realised that
Some things never Get easy with time, You just learn to Numb Yourself from the Suffering.
And that's exactly what I've been doing so far.
Numbing myself from the Suffering.
Grandmom calls me down we were ready to leave.
I just had a final look of the entire house and then walked towards the door, exiting with a lump in my throat.
Grandmom and I kept the bags in the car and we left.
There were still no calls or evn a text from him.
So I blocked him.
I pretended that I never did meet a guy named Augustus Cyrus.
I'll pretend that I never fell For him.
And that A guy never saved me.

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