Chapter 35- Wedding Awaited. <3

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Samantha's POV -
Childhood is a pleasure that pleases you till a certain age.
After a certain age the child grows up and puts away the childish things.
The Young person now finds his path towards love, towards success and towards goals.
And hey! Who says all goals are ambitious? Goals don't have a certain definition. A infant has the goal of Getting up and walking by himself.
A young person has The goal of Fitting in.of Being able to Be proud and To be someone who everyone else looks upon. A mother has the goal or shall I say a hearty wish of seeing her children happy and never seeing them getting hurt and that nothing ever leaves A scar on them.That they live happy and carry their innocence as far as they shall are able to.
No one can disagree on the fact that keeping aside the childish things and heading a new life Is a strange yet a fascinating journey.
And few of us are certainly blessed to be able to find a partner to live and experience this journey along with us.
Well in my Case I'm lucky enough to have Augustus with me.
To live thus journey with me.
To devote every second of his being to me.
We're getting married in 5 Days and invitations have already been sent.
Some of Augustus's cousins have already arrived and even have started giving me advices on how to Girl myslef up for the wedding.
Granny is very much excited about my wedding and she did mention to me sending one invitation to my Mother who's never tried to he one.
I must Say that I'm being quite emotional these Days,I guess because I'm missing my Dad's presence here.
Being a child, whenever I pictured my perfect dreamy wedding I always pictured my Dad walking me down to the aisle to my Prince.
But it's just so heartbreaking for me to not being able to walk With him.
I knew how excited he would have been to see his Daughter dressed as a bride and Saying her final Goodbyes for a while.
I miss You dad.
I miss you So much.

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