Chapter 3,

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And when went into the ground i couldnt find my champs.

As i was looking around to see them,i heard a voice from behind.

As i turned around to see who it was ,there stood a girl.

Yea she was just a girl but i cannot deny the fact that she was absolutely gorgeous.
I stood there for a while looking at her.
I mean dude she did have kinda cute eyes,She was so different. Anyways somehow I had to get control of myself after all I didn't wanted to creep out a fresher by idoly staring her, that would be so weird eh.
So I asked for her name.
Obviously I had to,But she didn't tell me.Instead she said that I'll know what her name was very soon.
And then she walked off towards the Auditorium, I guess she was heading to the drama club.I was too a member of the drama club though, but Not voluntarily did I chose to be in it,Mrs Packletide had forced me to take part in it or she would suspend me for bunking school the whole previous week.
Hahahah. I don't know why whenever Mrs Packletide sees me, she Gives this Annoying expression as if I ruined her whole day. Hahahhaha Anyways it's okay for her to be annoyed with me you know! I guess she hates me because I was dating her daughter for a while.
Umm well, Her name was Elizabeth.
She was hot stuff But had this idiotic laugh, And the fact that she was always laughing kinda creeped me out.
Okay let's head to the drama club now.
And see if I could playfully get that girl's name.

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