chapter 30

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Augustus's POV -

The light ray's kinda pinched MY eyes and made me Aware of the fact that it was morning. And the sun was on the top.
I woke up, and tried to get back on my legs and what I saw seemed to be a horrific sight at that time.
I was on the bed with a not a single piece of cloth on my body.
A naked Girl clinging on to me and When I stood to get that girl away from me.
I saw her, standing right infront of me.
She was ashamed, I could tell by her face. She was broken, seeing her fiance lying naked on a bed with a girl is enough to hurt anyone.
Samantha had those Tears in her eyes.
And those weren't some Ordinary full of Drama tears.
They were genuine, I could see it.
A guy was standing next to her, I rubbed my eyes To get a clear view and realised that it was Jack.
The guy who I beated up at the Prom In high school.
I soon realised that i was drugged last night.
I walked up to Samantha with her convincing look.
"Baby,This isn't what it seems like!you know I can never do something like this.You know I love you! don't you?",I asked.
But she said absolutely nothing.
The hurt was shown very well.
"Samantha for God's sake Say something! ",I shouted.
"I should say something? Well.Each time I looked at you I felt Like you're the person I can Bare my soul to.You're that one Damn Guy who's not like the rest. But look At you? I Licking some other chick's asss? Know what?  I never never ever want to seee your Face again Augustus Cyrus. You can continue fuckin that Chic.Cause I'm Done.I'm so done with you",She said.
And then she took the ring I gave her and thew it at that girl's face.
I've never seen her so annoyed.
The anger her eyes displayed actually somewhere told me how much I meant to her.
Mr Jack had this kinky smirk all During this scene.
I could very well tell that he planned this.
But I didn't say anything further.
I knew Sam was hurt and she wasn't in a condition to understand anything right now.
So I walked And picked up our ring and said, "One day, you'll know that thing's aren't always the way they seemed to be.And a girl once told me that true love has a habbit of coming back and That girl is Love for me and she comes Back to me again again. I'm not gonna destroy this thing Samantha Sheen. Know why? Cause a few days later you'll be needing it back, you'll need it to wear it on our wedding day.And You a part of you knows that I can never do this to You.! ",I said.
She shook her head away and walked Outside the room.
She walked Away once More.
I always said that I fell for her eyes but today I saw Hate in those Eyes.
She hated me.

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