chapter 27

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Yesterday was quite an emotional day, a disappointing one though. But I feel bad,I feel I was too harsh on her.
My phone light was blinking continously, I unlocked my phone and saw that I had 45 missed calls From Samantha.
I called her Number, but it was Switched off.
I tried to text but she blocked me.
What? She never did that before.
I felt as if something is loosing from My very own Grip and I cannot do anything.
I got out of my bed and Grabbed My bike keys and rushed Towards her house.
I don't know why, but I felt Restless.I had this feeling that it's some sort of ommet that something's wrong. Very wrong!
It took me 19 minutes to reach her home.
I got off the bike and I just ran towards the Door.
It was locked.
I tried to peep through the windows but the curtains were up, so I couldn't see a thing.
I called her but her Damn phone was still off.
It was Very Frustrating.
My head was burning.
I rushingly knocked her neighbours, and a guy came out.
"Where are they, um why is the goddam door locked? Is everything okay? ",I asked.
"They left. ",he said.
For a minute I could Feel my heart sink, I kinda lost my breath.
"Left?. ",I asked.
"Yea, her Granny Took her To Forks Again! They left like 20. Mins ago! ",He said.
For a moment then, I closed my eyes and Tried to imagine My life without Sam.And I could see Nothing.
That's how my life would be like,
It'd be empty
And meaningless if she wasn't in it.
If the girl who made me smile everyday, the girl who acted stupid just so that I could laugh, the girl Who loved me and who opened herself to me barely. If she's gone then life's Meaningless.
It's not worth.
I know Most people of My age would think of it as A teenage Attraction.
But Samantha wasn't just an attraction for me, she was the girl Who made me feel as if I belonged.
As if, if I fell down hard she's gonna be there! She's gonna be there to pick me up and Get me started.
And that was the time I realised how much love I had for her.
That was the time I realised
How much I loved her.
20 years from now if I look at my life, I see her in it.
I see myslef with her.
And that's not a normal feeling.
That's not the feeling you get for some Teenage Attraction.
I decided to rush.
I decided to chase My love.
I started The bike and though to myslef that if they left 20 minutes ago then they wouldn't have gone that far.
I could still stop her!
I kicked start My bike and rode it for about 30 minutes until I saw this Red Car stopped on the side of the Road.
And there I could seee,
The Girl with Long brown hair and Black boots.
She was Trying to fix the car but she couldn't.
She was Bad as hell in repairs.
I stopped my bike next to the car and Got off.
She was thinking about something.
She was so Taken away with her Thought's that she didn't even Realise that I was standing beside her.
Samantha's Granny Came out of the car and came and Gave me a warm Hug.
"Look aT you well,Aren't you turning into A charming young man?! ",She said
And then she pointed towards Sam.
I quietly sat down Beside her and I could see that she was still lost.
I tapped her shoulders and then she finally saw me.It was like she was not expecting me to be there.Her eyes got Watery when she saw me,she Got up took her bag and started walking.
ME- Sam!.... Samantha! Why are You walking away from me?
SAMANTHA - nothin.
I followed her, asking her the same question continuesly and I asked what happend.
SAMANTHA -You wanna know what's happening? What happened to an animal? Guess What Augustus Cyrus I'm going.Yes, and I guess You shouldn't probably care because you Never loved.
Me.That's the Reason you could give up on me so easily.
She had Big Fat tears then, and that was the moment when after so long I finally found my old Samantha. I could find her When I looked into Her eyes.

ME - See!  Here you are, My Smanatha.
Listen to Me love.Remember the Day we first Met each other? Remember our little conversation in the Ground?I asked Your name and You told me that I'll know. I know why you did that, cause Neither did I only Got to know Your name but I also Got to know That You'll be the girl I'm gonna fall in love with. AND Guess what? I did.I'm not able to Escape this love.I don't want to.
For years iv tried to Get beyond what I am but with You I feel Like I can Finally begin.No measure of Time is gonna be enough with you, So let's Start forver.

That smile I was Waiting for, returned to her face.The spark she used to have, returned! I went to her and Pushed her hair back with my fingers.
Our Heads touched, and We both were smiling and crying at the same time.
I hugged her and after so long I felt Like I was Hugging "Her " not any Animal.
I kissed her Forehead and I could see the Smile on her face.
Granny was smiling from behind and then said "Well who wants To return home and get some dinner, you love Birds "

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