Day at school.

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Prinston High School

Children Drove in with Fancy cars.

Hot girls with short and Sexy clothes and boy Guy's just cannot pass by them without a long stare.

They Were Too difficult to Resist.

Augustus Drove in ,in his BMw.

And For the girls of Prinston High school,He was a catch they Never wanted to miss.

He Parked his car and Walked towards the Canteen.


Where the fucking Heck have you Been ?

I called You like a million times Yesterday night You ass!

Augustus- Ahh.Never Mind Alice.

I just ..i don't know.

Kinda Messed Up.

So You say whats up with you?

Alison - Nothing Special Though.

I was just STUCK with a super Annoying Jerk the previous Night.

And Man he was such a Creep.


AUGUSTUS- Hahahah.Well no guy is perfect for You ever alice.i guess you should go and find yourself a girl to sleep with .I bet that would be a seductive scenario ,huh?;)

ALISON-Screw You!

Anyway I' m off To math class.

By The time you can continue laughing With the walls.

See ya.


Alison and augustus Were  best Mates .They were friends since 3rd Grade and knew each and everything about each other.

Alison was Gus' s only Real friend that didn't stick Around with Gus for money ,cars or cool Parties and it can't be overlooked that she did have a soft Corner for Gus Since she was 10  but she could never express it so instead she did what anyone else would do,She pretended as if she wasn't Attracted By his Dark Blue eyes,Rosy lips ,his soft Light Brown hair,his Biceps and Most Importantly his Gorgeous smile.

His smile.Ahhh.

It made Alison's Day whenever he gave her a smile.

Even though augustus used to hug her often as a buddy but how could she not absolutely love when he used to Hug her so damn Tight .

But she had accepted the fact that they are never gonna be anything more than "Best Friends".

So as Augustus watched Alice walk To her math class he headed towards the ground where his so called "Buddies" were waiting for him.

It was kinda Their daily schedule.

They would meet in the Ground exactly at 10 am and then would sneak out of school and head to Chillis For some breakfast and then would Go surfing or maybe some other Guy stuff to do.

So as soon he walked Into the ground to the spot they used to meet,He realised no one was there.No voice of his mates shouting using His abusive nick names.

No one at all.

He was kinda shocked but didn't express it.

He stared around for a few minutes and then heard a voice from behind.

"They aren't Here,YourFriends .

They left early ."

Augustus Turned Around to get a view of who was speaking From behind.

And There she stood.

She was wearing a Tight black coloured crop top with Blue jeans and a plain white jacket. She had Long ,Brown hair which Almost went past her shoulders.Her eyes were beautiful and Of light Blue colour,her cheeks were red and she had put a Light Pink lip Colour which suited her fair Complexion Brilliantly.She wore black Long Boots and so looked a little much longer than she actually was.

AUGUSTUS- Well,Any reason they gave or so did you listen?

"No",she said.

AUGUSTUS-umm okaay.

So what ' s ur name?

"You'll know",She said and then left without even turning back.

AUGUSTUS- Okay.Hope so.

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