Chapter 19-Funeral.

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So today's the funeral, I know Sam would end up breaking down into tears at the end of her eulogy but it's okay.I can understand the pain of loosing a parent. My dad, Umm anyways I guess I have to stop talking to myslef for a time and be with Samantha. She hasn't eaten since 3 days now,I'm worried.
Anyways I woke her up at 8 am and told her to get ready for the Funeral fast because family is the Frst one to reach.
She came out dressed in little black Dress with her hair made into a bun and black Heels.
I wore my plain black suit, I kept it very simple and sober considering the occasion of wearing it.
We got out of the house and sat in the car and left for the "Charles Gardenier".
This was the place where the funeral was gonna take place.
As soon as we reached there Samantha got out and went and sat near to her dad's coffin. She was just staring at it with dull eyes.
I went to her and asked if she was okay.
"I feel like he's gonna get up and come to me sayin come on My baby,wanna eat something? ",She said with teary face.
I brushed her back for a few minutes until everyone started to arrive.
The first one's to arrive were her dad's Co -Worker's. Emelia came and hugged her and then took Samantha with her to sit on the front seats as soon the Funeral was going to start!

I went and sat next to Samantha, I just wanted to be beside her in all of this.
I was hoping that Samantha's mom would show up but she didn't. It was quite mean of her to not attend her own husband's Funeral! Didn't she feel like saying a final goodbye to him? Didn't she wanted to soothe Samantha and tell her that she's there For her in this and time.
A few aunt's of Sam had come and Her Dad's sister.
So the Priest came and we finally Began with the program.
He blessed all the people present over there and Then flew some wishes and blessings upon Samantha's Father.
And then he called upon Samantha to speak a few somethings about her Dad.

So this is it,It was my Turn to Say goodbye. The priest called me infront to say something about dad.I wasn't able to stand up without hesitation. But someone from the family had to do it,so I did.I Walked up ahead and began speaking with,
"When I was a little kid, mum used to tell me that once in our lifetime's we come across a person who saves us. This person saves and protects us from all the evil stuff goin around in this cruel world! This person is our angel, because he protects us, he loves us and he Makes us into the beautiful person we are today. Today I can say with a smile on my face that in my life I did come across this special person,this angel.This person is my Dad.He's my angel. And yes I must say that he made me into the kind of being I am today. He gave me so much of love in just 16 years of my existence. I'll love him forever! And who says that I lost my father? No I didn't. I am still a daughter who's grown by The most amazing Dad in this world. I just wish that he would've stayed a bit longer, long enough to see ne Graduate, long enough to see me get a job and become a successful person, long enough to see me getting married and see my children. But we are humans and we're always gonna want a bit longer. I know from know whenever I'm gonna remember him or tell someone how great my dad "is" I would end up breaking into a bunch of tears. But those tears aren't a sign of my sorrow, they are a sign of the love that I had and I will always have for him.He's not gone yet! Because he's always with me in my heart and that's how we're gonna go on forever Daddy. I LOVE YOU, I ALWAYS WILL."

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