chapter 32

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I decided to move back to Forks with Granny.
It was the best way I could stay away from that Jerk Named Augustus Cyrus.
"I don't care about him "
That's what I'd say to convince myslef.
That's all I could do.
In these 3 Days I've been continuously getting calls and Msgs from him.
But I completely ignored them. I didn't wanted to even hear his voice!
Since a few days my tummy has been sounding a bit low.
There's always a minor pain in it which made it swelled.
As I was packing my stuff, I felt a bit awkward. I felt as if I was gonna throw up.
I could feel My puke coming till My mouth so I ran as fast as possible to the washroom and I did puke, A lot!
"Morning Sickness ",Granny Said with a worried expression.
I told her that it was probably because of the Junk iv been consuming these days.
I've been surviving on Pizza's, Chicken wings, Nachos and coke.
"You should test for It",Granny suggested.
"Test for what? ",I asked With a sense of curiosity.
Granny ran downstairs and brought to me a pink coloured kit.
"Go and Check Sammy, YOU need to Baby ",She said.
I understood that it was a pregnancy test kit and it was kinda funny that Granny thought I was pregnant.
I obviously wasn't expecting.
That's too over concerned of her to think such stuff.
Anyways I had to do it so I did.
And I couldn't believe the test came out to be positive.
I walked out holding that instrument in my hand and Granny saw it and all her expressions completely faded away.
"You Want to tell him Samantha? ",She asked hesitantly.
"Does he deserves to know? ",I asked.
"He's the Father of this child, He oughts to know ",She said.
"He doesn't need to well.I'll think what to do of it! ",I said.
And then I went into the kitchen downstairs to cry.
Why is my life all about crying?I thought to myslef.
I was pregnant with a man's kid who wasn't even loyal. How could I expect him to be a good father?
And I can't obviously bring up this child all by myslef.
I didn't sleep the entire night and nor did Granny bother me.
She understood me and my situation.
I was thinking about how perfect it would be if by this I'd be getting married to Augustus and we'd be Having our little baby in a few months after that.
But it's real life and Real life isn't picture perfect at all.
It's tough and harsh.
Reality is harsh.
We all somewhere or the other have this dream world of ours in our minds where everything is perfect.
But that can only be a dream world.
I decided to abort this child,I know this was wrong it was very wrong.
But what else could I do? I wasn't capable of raising a kid on my own.
The sooner I'll get it dejected from my body the better it'd be.
I kept a stone on my heart while making this decision.
Who doesn't wants to keep a sign of ur loved ones?
But if they aren't loved ones any longer.
There's no point of keeping signs.
I sighed.

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