Chapter 28

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"True love has an habbit of coming back. "
And I can Never Forgive myslef for Pushing Augustus Away.
But the Thing that Makes ME love him even more is That He never let's go.
He never gives up on me.
What else can one want?Having someone who Tries to win you back everytime You give up, is a privilege.
And I can proudly say that he Brough My original self Back.
Now it's Been 3 years since We're together.
And it seems that Time has just Simply slipped too early.
My mother as I remember, exists somewhere but She didn't keep up with the words she said on the Funeral. It was kinda expected from her.
My Granny knows That Augustus is My guy and she loves him too.
We often Get together for Dinner and thanksgiving too. We three Are like this Little family with never ending love.
When Augustus and I started dating I wasn't too sure that it's for long but now where I stand with him, I know we'll be together for another couple of days, months or years. Our little infinity I guess.
Yesterday was the most Amazing day of My existence, Augustus asked Me if I would Marry him. And if a guy Proposes you for Marrying him then he's Fucking Serious about you.
And since it was him, the Proposal had to be Special.
He decorated my whole Room with Lily's and a bottle of CHAMPAGNE.
Granny slept early so we had the night.
And yes, we had sex.
Gosh that's normal.
And now since we're getting married, having sex isn't a big deal. He's my husband after all.
So he flew to London This Morning,He has a modeling Task Over there.
Yes,He's into Modeling now.
And me, well I'm in media.
And since I'm doing well, I'm quite into My work these days.
I told Him to call me as soon as he reaches but he didn't.
I hope everything's alright with him.

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