38- Wedding Day

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I woke up at 8 am exactly, I had to get ready and reach the venue till 1 pm.
Which seemed like a lot of time,but since it's an important day something has to to wrong.
I walked to the kitchen to make some Coffee for myslef and I was surprised to see my mother sitting on the couch in the hall looking at family album's.
I thought it was just a day dream or something like that but No!
It was actually my mom In real sitting over there.
I hesitantly walked To her and said "Coffee? "
"Milk and 2 tablespoons sugar please, love ",She replied.
I made us coffee and then went to the couch and handed her cup to her and she asked me to sit with her.
I guess she knew I was annoyed with her because when I needed my mother the most she wasn't here.
"It's the same guy You were dating at the time of Your dad's funeral? ",She asked.
"Yeah, I prefer to stick to the same things for long you see ",I said.
She Asked me a few more things about how Augustus and I met. About how we fell in love and how he proposed me to marry him.
I told her everything from the start to the ending.
"seems like you're marrying the right guy! ",She said.
"Yea I know He's perfect for me! ",I replied.
"well Let me tell You one thing, Your dad and I were so deeply in love when we decided to get married. And we still were in love when we were married to each other.And it wasn't ever like he stopped loving me or something. He always loved me but it was me who got stuck and messed up with so many other tensions that I couldn't give him any time.but such a great man he was He always continued to love me and never demanded anything. I.couldn't understand his love and I started to push him away.He always wanted a child and after you were born things got more occupying and I just couldn't handle it.and I decided to divorce him and I knew how heartbreaking it was for him.He still tried to fix things after that but me being so annoyingly stubborn, never tried to do the same So my baby Girl never give up on Augustus. Even if you have difficulties or even if you fight a lot.Always remember why you guys decided to get married at the first place.Never Back down. Never do the mistake that Your mother did! ",she said.

I felt so emotional and hugged her.
"Okay, time to get ready for Your big Day baby! ",She said.
She walked with me to my Room and Took out her makeup kit and a tiny little box.
She opened the box And took a beautiful set of diamond earings out.
"My mother gave it to me on my wedding day and I give to you and you shall further give it to your daughter ",she said.
Those earings were beautiful!
I changed and wore my Wedding dress.
It was a white Gown with netted back design and golden embroidery at the sleeves. Granny bought it for me and she knew I'd love it.
Mom told me I look beautiful and then she did some magic with her makeup and Made me look gorgeous.
There was a knock on the door, and It was Granny.
She walked into the room and Stood there amazed and said "Ohhh Lord! You look beautiful Sammy!!! ".
I gave her a cheerful smile.
"It's time ",Mom said.
My mom held my gown from the back as it was too long for me to walk down the stairs easily.
Our limo had arrived and was right infront of the door.
Grandad was even here and so He helped me to sit inside the car and sat next to me.
We talked a lot during the drive.
As we came closer to the place my heartbeat started to raise.
I could literally feel my heart pumping out loud.
Finally the car stopped!
Grandad came out of the car and offered me his hand to help me come out.
I held his hand and stepped out of the car.
I could already seee everyone standing up and watching me walk to the platform where Augustus was standing with the priest.
Since Dad wasn't here Grandad had the responsibility of walking me to the aisle.
"Don't let me Fall ",I said nervously.
"Never ",Grandad replied.
We started walking and everyone stood to welcome the to be bride.
I felt so nervous, I could barely look straight.
I held grandad so strongly he obviously knew I was scared.
Finally we reached the aisle and Augustus Stepped down and grandad Gave my hand to him.
Augustus Took my hand and helped to get on the aisle.
He looked so Good.
And he wouldn't just stop looking at me.
"You look Beautiful Samantha! ",He whishpered into my ear.
I blushed.
We both turned towards the priest and Everyone sat down.
It was our turn to take the vows.
It was like There was no one else over there, for a second while taking those vows I felt as if It didn't matter if all those people were over there.
"I do",He said looking into my eyes.
"I do",I said.
"I love you "
"I love you Too "
And then all I knew next is we were having our lips connected to each other's.
No one was gonna give up tonight.
And for once I knew that no matter what's gonna happend I'd never give up on him.
Loss has been a part of my journey but it has also taught me about the essential things of my life.
I don't know what Happy endings are like but if Getting married to The person I love the most isn't happy enough then I don't really know what else is.
After so many Difficulties faced I finally felt as if I could sit back and lead on a happy life with Augustus.
We're married now and Our marriage is going great I'll be delivering a baby in 5 months.
So this Was my story.
And I wouldn't say it ends here, we've got a lot of things to discover yet.

But for now all I can say is
"He's so bad,
But he does it so well "

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